Find Volunteer Opportunities - Results

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1. 4 Directions Farm


Address: 7388 Brandon Road
City: Shingle Springs State: CA Zip: 95682

Contact Person: Quynn Meyers-Keller
Contact's Position: Marketing and Outreach Manager
Phone: 9163379993

Descriptions: 4 Directions Farm is a nonprofit vocational farm certified by the California State Department of Education. Our program is an agricultural and horticultural academy designed for students pursuing a high school education. We blend vocational opportunities with standardized curriculum to provide students an applied academic experience. Through our program, these individuals are able to participate in meaningful work that instills them with a sense of value. This motivating and stimulating alternative is facilitated in an outdoor natural environment to promote education in an applied setting. One of the program's most valuable outcomes for our students is an understanding of product development and marketable job skill sets. They are instilled with valuable vocational skills that they can carry for the rest of their lives, but more importantly, they are instilled with the power of self-worth and self-advocacy.

Description of Volunteer Service: Volunteers would assist students in farm tasks such as sheering alpacas, feeding/watering animals, planting crops, tending fields, and providing project suggestions based on student abilities. Please note that volunteers will be working with students with special needs.

Keywords: animals, youth

2. Aggie Reuse Store


Address: Memorial Union #154, 1 Shields Ave.
City: Davis State: CA Zip: 95616

Contact Person: Victoria Mattsson
Contact's Position: Unit Director
Phone: 4156961646

Descriptions: Formerly known as "the on-campus thrift store", Aggie Reuse Store recently transitioned to a mutual aid model where all items are available at zero cost for students and the larger community! We are a student-run unit under ASUCD who strives to be a source for second-hand clothes, school supplies, small appliances, and countless priceless treasures that have been donated by none other than you (UC Davis students and the Davis community)! Our mission is to promote sustainable fashion and creative upcycling by providing a source for basic needs to the overall community and therefore discouraging fast fashion. Keywords: Student Organizations, Environment, Sustainability, Organizations

3. Avian Rescue Corporation


Address: 1212 Saint Elizabeth Ct.
City: Concord State: CA Zip: 94518

Contact Person: Ron Howard
Contact's Position: President
Phone: 9256862350
Hours: 11AM-6PM

Descriptions: Companion birds are one of the preferred pets in the USA. Not all pets receive good care and a loving home. Established in 2001, Avian Rescue Corporation (ARC) has expanded to rescuing and providing a sanctuary for all types of birds. Thousand of birds are abandoned or lost annually; ARC provides care and rehabilitation until ARC can find them a new and caring home. Domesticated birds have little to no chance of survival in the wild.

ARC has helped hundreds of birds by picking them up from animal shelters and individuals that can no longer provide a good home for their birds. At any one time, there are over 200 birds in the ARC system.

Keywords: environment, animals, birds, rescue

4. Born Free USA United with Animal Protection Institute


Phone: 3014481407
Hours: M-F 8:30am-5pm

Descriptions: Born Free believes that every individual animal matters. Inspired by the Academy Award-winning film Born Free, we work locally, nationally, and internationally on the conservation front-lines, in communities, classrooms, courtrooms, and the halls of Congress, to end wild animal cruelty and suffering and protect threatened wildlife. Born Free also operates the country's largest primate sanctuary, which is home to 532 monkeys, many rescued from abuse in roadside zoos and private ownership or retired from research.

Keywords: animals, legal, lobbying, environment, education, outreach

5. Boy Scouts of America, Golden Empire Council


Address: 251 Commerce Circle
City: Sacramento State: CA Zip: 95815

Contact Person: Tyler Bonino
Phone: 9169291417 x108
Phone 2: 8004271417
Hours: M-F 8:30-5pm

Descriptions: Educational and family oriented recreational programs neighborhood groups. Trains volunteer leaders, maintains outdoor educational and camping facilities, and provides special programs for disabled children and adults. We have a lot of fun and no previous experience required. Traning provided.

For more information,

Keywords: disabled persons, mentor/tutor, environment

6. Boys and Girls Club of Greater Sacramento


Address: 5212 Lemon Hill Street
City: Sacramento State: CA Zip: 95824

Contact Person: Shannon McPhedran
Contact's Position: Sr. Community Engagement Manager
Phone: 9163921350
Hours: M-F 9am-5pm

Descriptions: Opportunities to volunteer in our after school youth development programs, at our teen center, in our administrative office, or with special events. We can also offer campus organizations and service groups opportunities to complete "done in a day" volunteer work projects. We may be able to offer unpaid internships for college students on a case by case basis. Contact us for more information.

For more information,
Keywords: youth, culture, health, environment, recreation

7. Breathe California of Sacramento


Address: 909 12th Street, Suite 100
City: Sacramento State: CA Zip: 95814

Phone: 9164445900
Hours: M-F 9am to 5pm

Descriptions: Since 1917, Breathe has been finding creative and effective ways to tackle the region's most critical health issues.

When Breathe was founded as the Sacramento Society for the Prevention and Cure of Tuberculosis in December 1917, TB was killing one in five Americans and was the leading cause of death in the United States. Our solutions included mobile X-ray screenings, TB education campaigns, a TB prevention summer camp, and Sacramento's first Well Baby Clinic.

Breathe's legacy of creative and effective solutions continues to this day, through education, advocacy, policy, and more.

Keywords: health, youth, environment

8. California Conservation Corps


Address: 1719 24th Street
City: Sacramento State: CA Zip: 96816

Phone: 8009525627
Phone 2: 9133413100
Hours: M-F 8am-5pm

Descriptions: The California Conservation Corps is the oldest and largest conservation corps in the country and develops thousands of young men and women into citizens with character, credentials and commitment.

Corpsmembers have numerous special opportunities in the CCC, working on backcountry trails, joining an exchange crew in Australia, improving fish habitat in cold streams and creeks, building in state parks, or participating in an AmeriCorps/CCC program.

Keywords: Employment/Training & Personal Development Corps Environment Emergency, education, nature

9. California Institute for Rural Studies


Address: PO Box 1047
City: Davis State: CA Zip: 95616

Phone: 5307566555

Descriptions: The California Institute for Rural Studies is a non-profit organization that conducts research and public education, working directly with individuals and rural communities. California Institute for Rural Studies seeks to build a society that is ecologically balanced, socially just, and economically sustainable.

Current major program areas are: Farm Labor and Rural Poverty, Land Ownership and Farm Structure, Water Distribution and Reclamation Law Implementation, and Rural Toxins. Funded primarily by foundation grants, California Institute for Rural Studies is not a volunteer-run organization, but is occasionally assisted by interns.

Volunteers are needed to conduct and assist with research projects. Internship credit is available.

Keywords: Environment Community Dev

10. California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation


Address: 2210 K Street, Suite 201
City: Sacramento State: CA Zip: 95816

Phone: 9164467904

Descriptions: CRLAF is a statewide non-profit civil legal aid organization providing free legal services and policy advocacy for California's rural poor.

We focus on some of the most marginalized communities: the unrepresented, the unorganized and the undocumented.

We engage in community education and outreach, impact litigation, legislative and administrative advocacy, and public policy leadership at the state and local level.

We seek to bring about social justice to rural poor communities by working to address the most pressing needs of our community: Labor, Housing, Education Equity, Health Care Access, Worker Safety, Citizenship, Immigration, and Environmental Justice

Keywords: legal

11. California State Parks


Address: 1416 9th Street
City: Sacramento State: CA Zip: 95814

Contact's Position: Volunteer Coordinator
Phone: 9163247407
Hours: M-F 8-5pm

Descriptions: Volunteers are vital to California's State Parks. The first volunteers served over 100 years ago and worked hard to preserve our most treasured places, and teach the public about their value. Today, the program has grown to nearly 40,000 volunteers who donated over one million hours of time in 2013. They assist staff in countless ways, in nearly all of California's State Parks. Please consider volunteering today and be the difference tomorrow!

After identifying the district or park(s) in which you would like to work, please contact the district or park volunteer coordinator (information on the Volunteers in Parks Program Brochure, link on the top of this page) to ask about current volunteer opportunities and the address to which you should mail your completed application. You may apply to more than one park.

Describe on the application any relevant experience, education, talents, skills and interests you possess. Each park has its own needs and will be looking for volunteers with the ability to accomplish certain tasks. The more specific you are, the easier it will be for the coordinator to place you in a volunteer position that meets your needs as well as the parks.

If you would like to receive a volunteer packet, please contact (916) 324-7407 or with your name and address.

Keywords: environment, cultural

12. California Wilderness Coalition


Address: 1814 Franklin Street, Suite 510
City: Oakland State: CA Zip: 94612

Phone: 5104511450

Descriptions: The California Wilderness Coalition protects the natural landscapes that make California unique, providing clean air and water, a home to wildlife, and a place for recreation and spiritual renewal. CWC is the only organization dedicated to protecting and restoring California's wild places and native biodiversity on a statewide level. Since 1976, we have empowered local communities and conservationists to be the voice for wild California.

Please contact us at 510-451-1450 or at to learn more about how you can participate in our work.

Keywords: Environment

13. Californians Against Waste


Address: 921 11th Street, Suite 420
City: Sacramento State: CA Zip: 95814

Phone: 9164435422
Hours: M-F, 9-5

Descriptions: The mission of Californians Against Waste is to conserve resources, prevent pollution and protect California's environment through the development, promotion, and implementation of waste reduction and recycling policies and programs.

Founded in 1977, Californians Against Waste is a non-profit environmental research and advocacy organization that identifies, develops, promotes and monitors policy solutions to pollution and conservation problems posing a threat to public health and the environment. Californians Against Waste's history has demonstrated it to be the nation's oldest, largest and most effective non-profit environmental organization advocating for the implementation of waste reduction and recycling policies and programs.

Californians Against Waste believes that when manufacturers are required to internalize the environmental externalities (costs) of material extraction, processing and manufacturing pollution, and end-of-life waste management in a product price, the market-place motivates them to reduce consumption, replace virgin resources with recycled materials, reduce toxicity and waste, design for maximum life and recyclability, and generally improve sustainability. This concept of Producer Responsibility lies at the root of virtually every legislative policy that CAW has pursued for the last 42 years.

Keywords: legal, lobbyists



Address: 356 Memorial Union, UC Davis
City: Davis / UC Davis State: CA Zip: 95616

Contact Person: Nicole Walter
Contact's Position: Campus Organizer
Phone: 5307523205

Descriptions: The California Public Interest Research Group (CALPIRG) is a statewide student directed, non-profit, non-partisan organization that conducts research and advocacy on environmental and consumer issues. The basic goals of the organization are to: promote student civic involvement, protect the environment and consumers, give students a voice, and learn skill and train leaders.

Internships with CALPIRG are available. For CALPIRG at UC Davis, visit their office at 260 South Silo (next to the Experimental College). For Sacramento internships in the legislative office, call (916) 448-4516.

UC Davis CALPIRG Website:

Keywords: Environment Lobbyists Legislat, legal, student organizations

15. Camp Fire Golden Empire Council


Address: 401 Amador Street
City: Vallejo State: CA Zip: 94590

Phone: 7076434573

Descriptions: Camp Fire is a national organization serving youth since 1910. The focus is on learning by doing, developing a positive self-image, assuming responsibility, gaining decision-making skills, and learning to care for and work with others. The overall goal of all Camp Fire Programs is to teach children the skills they need to become happy, self-directed, caring individuals. The programs are designed for boys and girls, kindergarten through high school, of all religious and ethnic affiliations. The highest standards of safety and program quality are maintained through program guidelines. leadership training, field support services, and cooperation from our communities.

Camp Fire is a volunteer organization. Club leadership is provided by trained adult volunteers who offer guidance to youth. Clubs are required to have two adults leading the club. Camp Fire provides these adults an opportunity for self-development, self-fulfillment, and the stimulation of involvement with young people. Training is provided.

Keywords: Youth, environment

16. Carmichael Recreation and Park District


Address: 5750 Grant Avenue
City: Carmichael State: CA Zip: 95608

Contact Person: Jerry Eppler
Contact's Position: Maintenance Supervisor - Grounds
Phone: 9164810603
Hours: 7am-2pm

Descriptions: Our mission is to satisfy the recreational needs of the community by providing a wide range of facilities and opportunities to enrich the quality of life. District boundaries include a population of approximately 52,000 residents and features 13 park sites; 11 fully developed parks , a 36 acre community center at the former La Sierra High School, a botanical garden that is nearly 50 years old, and 17-acre nature area called Schweitzer Grove. Volunteer help needed to do various grounds cleanup and maintenance.

Keywords: park, gardening, cleanup ,painting, maintenance, environment

17. Center for Urban Education about Sustainable Agriculture (CUESA)


Address: One Ferry Building Suite 50
City: San Francisco State: Ca Zip: 94111

Contact Person: Cindy Mendoza
Contact's Position: Volunteer Coordinator
Phone: 4152913276x152

Descriptions: The Center for Urban Education about Sustainable Agriculture is dedicated to promoting a sustainable food system through the operation of the Ferry Plaza Farmers Market and its educational programs. We are a tax-exempt 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation organized in 1994 to educate urban consumers about sustainable agriculture and to create links between urban dwellers and local farmers. We have managed the Ferry Plaza Farmers Market since 1999. Volunteers are needed in all aspects of the organization, including the office, the kitchen, the market and events.

Keywords: environment, hunger, outreach

18. Centro Guadalupe Advocacy Program


Address: 730 S Street
City: Sacramento State: CA Zip: 95811

Phone: 9164435367

Descriptions: The Centro Guadeloupe Advocacy Program is a multi-service agency that serves primarily Hispanic families, women, and children in such areas as emergency food and shelter, counseling, translation, information and referral, and employment.

Volunteers are needed to assist with the "Community Pals" youth project for 7th - 11th grades which targets students from high risk environments; make periodic contact in person and over the phone with students; and help plan and implement activities.

This is a program that allows creative input. Volunteers should have a good rapport with young people and be understanding of problems facing students from high risk environments. The ability to speak Spanish is desirable. Volunteers work closely with a project coordinator.

Internships may be available.

Keywords: Hunger Homeless & Housing Cultural Youth Cmty Dev, women, emergency, counseling, mentor/tutor

19. Chapa-De Indian Health Program Inc.


Address: 11670 Atwood Road
City: Auburn State: CA Zip: 95603

Phone: 5308872800

Descriptions: Chapa-De was founded in 1974 after a study showed American Indians in California suffered from a higher incidence of diabetes, depression, and substance abuse. American Indians were also found to suffer from higher rates of infant mortality and have drastically shorter life expectancy rates. This study also revealed that American Indians had not had regular access to healthcare services, including basic dental care, since the 1950s.

These findings compelled a group of local American Indians to open Northern Sierra Indian Health, later to be renamed Chapa-De Indian Health. At that time, Chapa-De had one dental chair in a rented office space and our sole purpose was to provide care to the local American Indians in Placer, Nevada and Sierra counties.

Today Chapa-De operates two private, non-profit community health centers and is governed by an American Indian Board of Directors. The Board of Directors includes members of the United Auburn Indian Community, which is Chapa-De's supporting Tribe. Under UAIC's authority, Chapa-De contracts with Indian Health Services (IHS) to provide no-cost or low-cost services and medications to verified American Indians and Alaska Natives from federally recognized tribes. We also now welcome low-income individuals and families.

Keywords: Environment Cultural Health Counseling

20. City of Davis - Adopt a Park

Address: 23 Russell Blvd
City: Davis State: CA Zip: 95616

Contact Person: Kellie Vitaich
Contact's Position: Volunteer Program Coordinator
Phone: 5307475874
Hours: M-F, 7:30 a.m.. - 4:30 p.m.


Keywords: Cultural, Disabled Persons, Elderly, Environment, Outreach, Recreation, Volunteer Groups, Women, Youth

21. City of Sacramento Volunteer Program


Address: 915 I Street, Historic City Hall 1st Floor
City: Sacramento State: CA Zip: 95814

Contact Person: Mary Lynn Perry
Contact's Position: Volunteer Coordinator
Phone: 9168088317
Hours: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm

Descriptions: The City of Sacramento is a municipal government and provides fire, police, utility and other services for the city's residents. In addition, the city has a variety of amenities for both residents and visitors including parks, recreation programs, a zoo, and museums. Volunteers provide a broad source of expertise, talent, and manpower for City programs. Volunteers gain new skills, meet new people, make use of talents, develop greater knowledge and understanding of city government, help solve community issues, secure job references, explore career possibilities and gain personal satisfaction of making a difference in their community.

Volunteers assist with special events, animal care, gardening, tours, arts and crafts, child development, and much more. Some departments can utilize volunteers as young as 12, while others require the volunteer to be at least 21. Short-term options include helping with fairs, festivals, sports activities, adopt-a-park clean-ups and other one-day events. On-going opportunities offer the chance to work with animals as well as youth and seniors. Unpaid internships and group options are also available.

Keywords: Animals, Cultural, Disabled Persons, Education, Elderly, Environment, Recreation, Volunteer Groups, Youth

22. Coalition of Concerned Medical Professionals - CCMP


Address: 2809 38th Ave
City: Oakland State: CA Zip: 94619

Phone: 5104368020

Descriptions: COALITION OF CONCERNED MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS (CCMP) is an all-volunteer effort, rooted in the community, founded in the Bay Area in 1976. CCMP is independent from government funding or any funding with strings attached. CCMP is structured as a free and voluntary unincorporated private membership association not as a 501(c)(3). CCMP's primary purpose is to overcome political and economic barriers that deny access to comprehensive medical care for any and all working people. This has included conducting campaigns to defeat laws or governmental policies detrimental to the interests of low-income workers.

CCMP takes an approach that incorporates medical care, ancillary health services, procurement of healthy foods for supplemental food distributions and joining with organizations of low-income workers whose members suffer lack of access to quality, affordable care. CCMP may choose to align with community groups to change conditions creating poor health, including environmental concerns.

CCMP urgently needs VOLUNTEERS: doctors, nurses, dentists, medical and dental specialists, physical therapists, dental hygienists, students and all those with a willingness to learn how to organize to fight the conditions which deny comprehensive medical care to workers and their families here in the Bay Area.

CCMP volunteer health care professionals donate preventive care to applicants screened for eligibility by CCMP benefit program volunteers. Many benefit recipients are members of self-help organizations of low-income workers.

Keywords: Health Lobbyists, emergency, housing

23. CommuniCare Health Centers


Address: Volunteer opportunities at our clinics in Davis, Woodland and West Sacramento
Phone: 5307533498
Hours: Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm

Descriptions: Without the continued interest, support and dedication of volunteers, CommuniCare would not be what it is today. Having started with only a handful of volunteers many years ago, CommuniCare prides itself on serving the people of Yolo County. We value the importance of a teaching and learning environment at all levels of the organization and offer year-round volunteer opportunities at our locations in West Sacramento, Davis and Woodland.

CommuniCare Health Centers is a Federally Qualified Health Center providing health care to those in need since 1972. CommuniCare provides comprehensive health care services delivered by a dedicated team of providers and support staff through our clinic sites and outreach programs. Our goal is to develop and maintain a long-term, healing partnership with each of our patients, while ensuring the best possible health outcomes. Serving communities throughout the Yolo County region, CommuniCare provides health services for one in every nine residents of the area. Our services include primary medical and dental health care, behavioral health services, substance use treatment, health education and support services.

CommuniCare Health Centers welcomes and values the contributions of volunteer providers, community volunteers, and learners of all types to provide services and administrative support in our clinics and programs. We are deliberate and thoughtful when placing volunteers based on their education, experience, existing skills, and interests.

Keywords: Health, Mental Health, Substance Abuse

24. Community Alliance With Family Farmers

Publications: Quarterly Newsletter: Agrarian Advocate

Address: 36355 Russell Blvd
City: Davis State: CA Zip: 95616

Phone: 5307568518x30
Hours: M-F 8-5

Descriptions: Want to interview a local farmer? Attend harvest festivals and local food & wine events for free while spreading the good word about sustainable agriculture? Create a local food directory for your hometown? Accompany 4th graders on a class trip to the farm? Learn how farmers markets are related fighting urban sprawl? Contact us to learn about these opportunities and more.

Don't have much time but still want to help? Become a CAFF member and start making a difference! We're a grassroots advocacy group that's working to keep family farmers on their land by bringing fresh local food to your plate. Student memberships are available for $20, Basic Memberships for $50, Business memberships for $250

Keywords: Environment Lobbyists, Sustainable Agriculture, Organic Farming, Local Food, School/Education, Nutrition, Farmers, youth

25. Community Harvest of Davis


Address: 1227 Fordham Drive
City: Davis State: CA Zip: 95616

Contact Person: Linda Schwartz
Contact's Position: Volunteer
Phone: 5307599792
Hours: 24/7

Descriptions: Community Harvest is a 501-C-3 not-for-profit (and Picnic Day Parade participants) that seeks to share the bounty of home grown fruit trees with those less fortunate in Davis and throughout Yolo County. Announcements are e-mailed before every harvest and with an RSVP, the location of the harvest is provided. Harvests usually last about 2 hours. All needed harvesting equipment is provided and no prior experience is needed - it's a fun way to get some exercise, meet new people and help out our community all at the same time!

Keywords: hunger, environment

26. Community Link


Address: 8001 Folsom Boulevard, Suite 100
City: Sacramento State: CA Zip: 95826

Phone: 9164477063

Descriptions: Our mission is to help people turn ideas into community action through information, planning, civic engagement, and advocacy for human needs in the Sacramento Region.

Information: Provide the public with timely, valuable, and accurate information about the condition of people and communities in the Sacramento Region, and connect people with available resources to help them and their families.

Planning: Produce credible and meaningful community-based research to inform health and social policy and practice, and create safe, unaligned environments that welcome participation of diverse interests in addressing issues and resolving community problems.

Civic Engagement: Transform communities and increase civic engagement by involving volunteers in meaningful community service projects that address critical needs.

Advocacy: Help people influence public policy to improve the community's quality of life and assist those most affected by public policies or community conditions in building their capacity to enhance health, economic and social well-being.

Keywords: outreach, education

27. Davis Central Park Gardens


Address: B Street (Between 3rd and 4th Street)
City: Davis State: CA Zip: 95616

Contact Person: Emily Griswold
Contact's Position: President of the Board of Directors
Hours: Every other Saturday

Descriptions: The gardens showcase beautiful plants and sustainable gardening practices in Davis' award-winning Central Park. Community volunteers lead garden maintenance and educational programs in partnership with the City of Davis and the Yolo County Master Gardeners. We hold volunteer gardening sessions on alternate Saturday mornings year-round. Volunteers are provided tools and direction for garden projects, and work days are led by experienced local gardeners. Volunteer events are every other Saturday. Fall/Winter from 10am-12pm; Spring/Summer from 9am-11am.

Keywords: plants, garden, biology, horticulture, environmental science, sustainability, organizations, volunteer groups

28. Davis Farm to School


Address: P.O. Box 1813
City: Davis State: CA Zip: 95617

Contact's Position: Davis Farm to School Program Coordinator

Descriptions: The mission of Davis Farm to School is to create an educational and cultural environment in our schools that connects food choices with personal health, community, farms, and land.

Founded in 2000, Davis Farm to School supports the Davis Joint Unified School District in their goals to provide farm and garden-based education, increase farm fresh foods in school meals, and reduce solid waste through recycling and composting programs.

Keywords: farm, school, food, education, health, community

29. Davis Waldorf School

Address: 3100 Sycamore Lane
City: Davis State: CA Zip: 95616

Contact Person: Tina Rheault
Contact's Position: Administrator
Phone: 5307531651
Hours: 7:45-3:30 M-F

Descriptions: The Davis Waldorf School was founded in 1986 and serves approximately 200 preschool to 8th grade children. Set on a beautiful 5-acre campus in North Davis, the Davis Waldorf School program balances artistic, academic and practical work educating the whole child - hand and heart as well as mind. Its innovative methodology and developmentally-oriented curriculum, permeated with the arts, address the child's changing consciousness as it unfolds, stage by stage. Imagination and creativity are cultivated as well as cognitive growth and a sense of responsibility for the earth and its inhabitants. Under the warm and active instruction of their teachers, children are provided with a creative and nurturing environment in which to develop, grow and learn. We need volunteers to help with staffing our festivals, fundraisers, help in our garden program and with our campus maintenance and landscaping.

Keywords: Education Youth

30. Eco Volunteer UP


Address: Marsella E8-45 and Shyris
City: Quito State: Ecuador Zip: 5932

Contact Person: Maria Viteri
Contact's Position: Manager
Phone: 5939983344x89
Hours: 8am-5pm

Descriptions: Eco Volunteer UP was founded 20 years ago. It is an Ecuadorian organization has a range of a volunteer programs located in Ecuador - South America. It provides volunteer work placements in Quito, the capital of Ecuador, Coast, Amazon, Galapagos and in the disappearing Cloud Forest. It works with orphanages, a disabled children's school, day care centers, hospital and is also involved in ecological projects to conserve the Ecuadorian forest.

Ongoing volunteer projects include: Teaching English to the children and environmental education in cloud forest, Coast, Amazon, conservation project in cloud forest, Coast, Amazon and Galapagos, organic farm Galapagos, Cloud Forest and scientific research indifferent places, social projects as orphanage project, day care project, children with disabilities, Medical project in Quito.

Spanish Language: The Spanish classes run from 20 hours to up over two weeks or more weeks. For beginners, intermediate and advanced levels. The students can make their own flexible schedule.

We also provide Alternative Breaks, Summer Expeditions that includes volunteering and trips.

Keywords: cultural, youth, health, international

31. Elk Grove Teen Center/Youth for Christ


Address: 8978 Elk Grove Blvd.
City: Elk Grove State: CA Zip: 95624

Phone: 9166866942

Descriptions: Services Provided: Recreational and after-school activities in a drug free environment offering positive alternatives. Pool table, ping pong, video games, big screen TV and movies, computers for homework and other games. Tutor as needed. Youth/family counseling referrals.

Keywords: rcreation, mentor/tutor, counseling, substance abuse

32. Food Literacy Center


Address: 2973 Third Ave.
City: Sacramento State: CA Zip: 95817

Contact Person: Mai Err Chang
Contact's Position: Program & Volunteer Coordinator
Phone: 9168566307
Hours: 9am - 5pm

Descriptions: Do want to help change kids' eating habits in a way that could affect them for a lifetime? If so, you should join our team! We believe that food education should be fun, approachable and practical. We want to empower kids to explore more foods and make smart choices on their own. Our mission is to inspire kids to eat their vegetables. We teach low-income elementary children cooking and nutrition to improve our health, community and environment. As a small nonprofit, our volunteer opportunities expand from working with the kids in the classroom to office work. You can help us deliver hands-on cooking and nutrition lessons or mailout letters to donors. Other projects may include assistance with community outreach, fairs, and fundraising events.

Keywords: Education, Health

33. Forever Young Child Care Centers


Address: 1209 P Street
City: Sacramento State: CA Zip: 95814

Phone: 9164464246
Phone 2: 9164426111

Descriptions: Small center for 20 infants. Childproof environment. Curriculum stresses independence, freedom of movement and cooperation; uses philosophy of Resources for Infant Educators (RIE). Emphasizes participatory learning in a multi-cultural and non-sexist environment.

The Forever Young Center Care Preschool is located at 1209 P Street, Sacramento, CA 95814. For more information call 916-446-4246

Keywords: youth, cultural

34. Freeman Elementary School


Address: 126 North West Street
City: Woodland State: CA Zip: 95695

Phone: 5306621758
Hours: M-F 7:30am-4pm

Descriptions: Interim Freeman Elementary provides a rigorous academic core program in Language Arts, Math, Social Studies and Science for all students enrolled in K-6, with the opportunity to learn in a bilingual classroom (English/Spanish). We provide a safe learning environment be training students as conflict managers and conducting regular classroom meetings.

Keywords: youth, academic, counseling

35. Friends of the River


Address: 1418 20th Street, Suite 100
City: Sacramento State: CA Zip: 95811

Phone: 9164423155
Phone 2: 8884642477
Hours: M-F 9-5

Descriptions: Friends of the River is a California non-profit environmental organization incorporated in 1976. They work to preserve, protect, and restore rivers, streams, and their watersheds. They accomplish these goals through public education, citizen activist training and organizing and expert advocacy to influence public policy. Irregularly scheduled meetings and "volunteer nights" are held. They also provide a booking service for river trips.

Keywords: Environment

36. GoEco


Address: 69 Bograshov
City: Tel Aviv State: Israel Zip:

Contact Person: Daniella
Contact's Position: Content Manager
Phone: 6462404545x506
Hours: Sunday to Thursday 8:00AM - 3:00 PM GMT

Descriptions: GoEco is a leading eco-tourism company with over 150 marine conservation, animal conservation, environmental, community aid, medical and teaching volunteer opportunities abroad! GoEco promotes award-winning programs that are carefully chosen by the company's founding sustainable travel experts. Programs are available in 40 countries, and many long-term and research-based programs can qualify for academic credit.

Keywords: abroad, international, wildlife conservation, marine conservation, marine biology, medicine, teach English abroad, environmental

Pre-defined searches: animals, education, environment, health, international, volunteer groups, women, youth

37. Grace Garden


Address: 1620 Anderson Road
City: Davis State: 95616 Zip:

Contact Person: Pam Thomas
Contact's Position: Volunteer Coordinator

Descriptions: Grace Garden raises vegetables and fruits to help feed the less fortunate and hungry of our community. We need volunteers to plant fruits and vegetables, harvest and help with garden maintenance.

When/Where: Work times are Monday, Thursday and Saturday mornings at Grace Garden. Fall/Winter work times are 9-11 a.m. and Spring/Summer work times are 8-10 a.m.

For more information, please visit our website at

Keywords: environment, hunger

38. Grassroots Campaigns


Address: 2400 22nd St #230
City: Sacramento State: CA Zip: 95818

Contact Person: Caitlyn Hughes or Hitesh Bussie
Contact's Position: Director
Phone: 9164461100

Descriptions: Grassroots Campaigns specializes in running face-to-face outreach campaigns for progressive advocacy groups, humanitarian organizations, and political campaigns. We are currently working on behalf of a range of partners including the Save the Children, The Southern Poverty Law Center, the ACLU, Sierra Club, and Oxfam America to raise awareness, identify new supporters, raise funds, and win concrete victories for change. We also run field campaigns to register and mobilize voters, pass legislation through grassroots advocacy, and build long-term volunteer networks.

Keywords: Animals, Cultural, Disabled Persons, Education, Emergency, Environment, Health, Housing, Hunger, International, Legal, Lobbyists, Mental Health, Mentor/Tutor, Organizations, Outreach, Recreation, Women, Youth

39. Green Party of Yolo County


Address: 1794 Trinity Way
City: West Sacramento State: CA Zip: 95691

Contact Person: Mike Cordova
Contact's Position: Chair
Phone: 9165720042
Hours: M-F 8-10 PM, Weekends 11 AM - 11PM

Descriptions: Political Party promoting Green solutions, community service, & democracy

Keywords: politics, green, community, environment, peace, justice, feminism, Earth Day, climate, ecology, science, reform, sustainability, energy, equality, healthcare, renewable, education, jobs, training, innovation, activism, housing, progressive, Women, Youth

40. HOME: Where Friends Become Family


Address: Center For Student Involvement Box #564 UC Davis One Shields Avenue
City: Davis State: CA Zip: 956168706

Contact Person: Chun Kit Ho
Contact's Position: President
Phone: 9167998173
Hours: M-F 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Descriptions: Mental Health and Community Service club that dedicate ourself to helping the less fortunate and creating a safe, home environment for students on campus. We work with YOLO SPCA animal shelter and Fourth and Hope homeless shelter located in Woodland.

Keywords: Volunteer Group, Mental Health, Hunger, Housing, Student Organization, Elderly

41. Kitchen Table Advisors


Descriptions: Kitchen Table Advisors is a Bay area nonprofit that works with small, sustainable farms and a community of their passionate supporters to provide the business guidance, support, and know how needed to grow a financially viable farming business. We invest in the economic viability of the next generation of sustainable small farms so they can serve as the foundation of stronger and healthier regional food systems. KTA is currently recruiting for interns and fellows, especially more volunteers for our cause that help farmers receive business advice.

Keywords: environment, hunger

42. Mutual Housing Association California


Address: 3321 Power Inn Road, Ste 320
City: Sacramento State: CA Zip: 95826

Contact Person: George Xiong
Contact's Position: Resident Programs Manager
Phone: 5309080800
Hours: 9:00 am - 5:30 pm

Descriptions: Mutual Housing owns and operates 1,071 homes, housing over 3,600 residents; including 346 homes in Davis and Woodland. We offer a permanent solution to the housing needs of California's diverse families. With residents taking a key role in overseeing their properties and developing programs through site-specific resident councils, communities are created in which residents have a vested interest. Councils and issue-specific site committees provide leadership in the identification of resident and community needs and in raising resources to fill those needs. These include youth development programs, education and economic development resources, safety and security programs, and recreational facilities. The mission of Mutual Housing California is to develop, operate and advocate for sustainable housing that builds strong communities through resident participation and leadership development.

Keywords: Housing, Education, Elderly, Environment, Health, Cultural, Mentor/Tutor, Organizations, Outreach, Recreation, Volunteer Groups, Youth

43. Newman Catholic Student Community


Address: 514 C Street
City: Davis / UC Davis State: CA Zip: 95616

Contact's Position: Administration
Phone: 5307537393
Hours: M-F 11AM-10AM

Descriptions: The Newman Catholic Center in Davis was established in 1965 and is sponsored by the Catholic Diocese of Sacramento. The Newman Center is housed on the original site of St. James Catholic Church. St. James Parish is now located at 14th and B streets. John Henry Cardinal Newman was a proponent of liberal education, the role of the laity, and the place of conscience in one's life. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has established chaplainries called Newman Centers, named in his honor, to care for the spiritual needs of those engaged in university life and to serve as a Catholic presence in the university environment.

The Newman Catholic Centers empower college students to form authentic Christian community, celebrate the diverse expressions of their Catholic faith, and discern their vocation as disciples of Jesus for the Church and for the world.

Keywords: Religious Education, Student organizations

44. Office of Sustainability


Address: 436 Mrak Hall
City: Davis / UC Davis State: CA Zip: 95616

Phone: 5307527456
Hours: M-F 9am to 5 pm

Descriptions: The Office of Sustainability develops, leads, and coordinates sustainability efforts throughout the UC Davis campus. Staff members create strategies and plans to improve campus operations, work to implement the UC Office of the President's sustainability policy, establish sustainability metrics for UC Davis, work with faculty and students on project-based learning and learning-by-leading opportunities, build institutional capacity for sustainability on- and off-campus, and inspire the community to work toward a sustainable future.

Keywords: Environment Student organizations, UC Davis, outreach, recycling, waste reduction

45. Opening Doors, Inc.


Address: 2118 K Street
City: Sacramento State: CA Zip: 95816

Contact Person: Donelle Swain
Contact's Position: Intern and Volunteer Coordinator
Phone: 9164922591

Descriptions: Our mission is to empower refugees, immigrants, human trafficking survivors, and underserved Sacramento area residents to achieve self-sufficiency by accessing opportunities to mainstream economic and social systems. We do this by providing safe places, skills development, business loans, and connections to community resources, assisting our clients to build financial and personal assets while maintaining their cultural identity and individual goals.

We are located in midtown Sacramento and have been helping refugees and immigrants for over 18 years.

Position availabilities include:

Business Intern:
Interns will focus on programs aimed at asset building and/or microenterprise and microfinance. They will assist refugees, immigrants, and underserved Sacramento area residents in gaining financial independence and succeeding in a challenging economy. Candidates are expected to learn about community outreach, microfinance, and small business development and/or assets development. We are looking for individuals that can work independently, with excellent written and communication skills, and preferably bilingual.

Case Management Intern:
Interns work with Refugees or Survivors of Human Trafficking and gain casework skills as well as advocacy experience. Additionally, interns are exposed to the social welfare system and are taught how to manage client cases. Interns will also be exposed to numerous opportunities to strengthen language skills and further multi-cultural awareness. Applicants must be able to deal with confidential information, possess excellent interpersonal skills, and be preferably bilingual.

Communications Intern:
Interns in this position work closely with the Deputy Director to develop and maintain external organization communications. Interns will have the primary responsibility for maintaining the agency's website and social networking pages and gain first-hand experience working on crafting agency messages and delivering them through various avenues. We are looking for individuals with experience website development and Dreamweaver, and excellent attention to detail.

Grant Writing Intern:
Interns will play a key role in furthering the Opening Doors' development efforts. They will learn grant writing basics, research funding opportunities and work with staff to write grant proposals. Applicants will possess excellent written and oral communication skills, the ability to work independently, and a willingness to learn the basics of grant writing.

Volunteer Management Intern:
Coordinator works with interns and volunteers who come from a wide range of backgrounds. Intersns with this position assist developing the internship program and should be willing to take initiatibe and work collaboratively with a number of agency teams. For more information go to

Immigration Legal Services Intern:
Interns report to the Director of Immigration Legal Services and assist with case management and outreach. The ILS intern will also be responsible for managing the everyday operations of the ILS program and maintaining an understanding of program objectives and immigration services offered by Opening Doors. Applicants must be fluent in written and spoken Spanish, possess excellent verbal communication skills, and be willing to work in fast-paced environment.

Money Work$ Program Intern:
Interns assist staff in outreach to target communities with information about the MoneyWork$ program. They also assist with curriculum adjustments, class preparation, review of participants' homework, and the maintenance of class records and participation. Interns gain a real world understanding of personal finances as they work closely with clients and come to know their issues, difficulties, and successes. Interns also gain valuable writing, communicati

46. Pacific Crest Trail Association (PCTA)


Address: 1331 Garden Highway, Suite 230
City: Sacramento State: CA Zip: 95833

Contact Person: Ellen Ginda
Contact's Position: Volunteer Programs Coordinator
Phone: 9162851838
Hours: M-F, 9AM-5PM

Descriptions: The mission of the Pacific Crest Trail Association is to protect, preserve and promote the Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail as a world-class experience for hikers and equestrians, and for all the values provided by wild and scenic lands. We're looking for volunteers who can help with office administration and volunteer management. This is a rewarding chance to give back to the trail and become part of the PCT community.

Keywords: Environment, Recreation, Hiking, Trail, Administrative

47. Peace Corps


Address: 230 South Hall
City: UC Davis State: CA Zip: 95616

Contact's Position: Peace Corps Representative

Descriptions: The Peace Corps is an international volunteer organization operated by the U.S. government. The Peace Corps sends Americans abroad to tackle the most pressing needs of people around the world. Peace Corps Volunteers work with local communities at the grassroots level on initiatives that create sustainable change, impacting thousands of lives well beyond the 27 months of service. Peace Corps Volunteers have worked in 141 countries since the program was founded in 1961, working from Asia to Central America, and from Europe to Africa.

In each of these countries, Volunteers work with governments, schools, and entrepreneurs to address changing and complex needs in education, health and HIV/AIDS, business, information technology, agriculture, and the environment. When they return home, Peace Corps Volunteers bring their knowledge and experiences and a global outlook back to the U.S., enriching the lives of those around them.

If you are interested in applying to the Peace Corps, we highly encourage you to speak with a Peace Corps recruitment advisor prior to applying. You should start the application process at least six months prior to your planned travel date. View the application steps on the website for more detailed instructions.

Keywords: Corps Employment

48. Progress Ranch Treatment Services for Children


Address: 2725 Loyola Drive
City: Davis State: CA Zip: 95618

Phone: 5307532566
Hours: 8-5 PM

Descriptions: Since 1976, Progress Ranch has provided residential care and treatment to emotionally troubled boys from 7-12 years old. Community homes provide a safe, trusting environment for the boys to live and ameliorate their emotional problems through learning social skills; individual, schools, group, and family therapy; and mainstreaming into community activities.

Volunteers are needed to act as "special friends" and literacy tutors for the children (similar to the big brother/sister program) and should have a desire to work with abused and neglected youths as tutors, counselors, interns, and child care workers. Employment opportunities may also be available. Qualifications include good communication skills, mature and reliable adult modeling, and a sincere desire to help troubled boys.

This agency is also looking for help with fundraising, upkeep and maintenance of the houses, and household responsibilities.

Keywords: Youth mental education, mental health, mentor/tutor

49. Putah Creek Council


Address: 106 Main St. Suite C
City: Winters State: CA Zip: 95694

Contact Person: Amy Williams
Contact's Position: Stewardship Coordinator
Phone: 5307953006

Descriptions: We are a local environmental non-profit that works primarily in Davis and Winters to protect and enhance Putah Creek through education, advocacy, and community-based stewardship. We host work days at our greenhouse, planting events, and cleanups.

Keywords: environment, education

50. Quail Ridge Wilderness Conservancy


Address: 25344 County Road 95
City: Davis State: CA Zip: 95616

Phone: 5302194477
Hours: Phone Preferred

Descriptions: Quail Ridge Wilderness Conservancy is a wilderness area on a beautiful peninsula overlooking Lake Berryessa. It has been declared by the Nature Conservancy as one of the finest preserved areas in the Coast Range. Wilderness trips and overnight guided tours are available for small groups. Volunteers are always needed to assist with tours, fundraising, outreach, memberships, and educational seminars.

Keywords: Education, Environment, Wildlife, Projects, Research, Outreach

51. Robert Mondavi Institute for Wine and Food Science


Address: 392 Old Davis Rd, Sensory Building
City: Davis State: CA Zip: 95616

Contact Person: Stephanie Shimada
Contact's Position: Director, Event Programming
Phone: 5307524180

Descriptions: In 2001, iconic California vintner Robert Mondavi made a personal gift of $25 million to the University of California, Davis to establish the Robert Mondavi Institute for Wine and Food Science within the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. More than a decade later, this generous gift forms the cornerstone of a $100 million state-of-the-art facility that is home to two world-renowned academic departments, Viticulture and Enology, and Food Science and Technology, as well as the UC Davis Olive Center and the Honey and Pollination Center. The institute houses the only LEED Platinum winery, brewery and food-processing facility in the world, and serves as the gateway between UC Davis and a broad community of scientists, engineers, entrepreneurs, policymakers, industry professionals and technologists engaged in all dimensions of food, beer and wine-related activities.

Keywords: food science, wine, viticulture, agriculture, evironmental science, enology

52. Rotary Club of Davis


Address: PO Box 185
City: Davis State: CA Zip: 95616

Contact Person: Bill Hollingshead
Contact's Position: Polio Eradication Chairman
Phone: 5307589779

Descriptions: The main objective of Rotary is service in the community, in the workplace, and throughout the world. Rotarians develop community service projects that address many of today's most critical issues, such as children at risk, poverty and hunger, the environment, illiteracy, and violence. They also support programs for youth, educational opportunities and international exchanges for students, teachers, and other professionals, and vocational and career development. The Rotary motto is Service Above Self. We are looking for students and student organizations to volunteer for local and international service projects.

Keywords: International, youth, hunger, education, environment, education

53. Sacramento Area Creeks Council


Address: PO Box 162774
City: Sacramento State: CA Zip: 95816

Contact Person: Alta Tura
Contact's Position: President
Phone: 9164544544
Hours: M-F 9-5pm

Descriptions: Encourages the preservation, protection, restoration and maintenance of natural streams in urban or man-made environments by educating the general public on the aesthetic, recreational and ecological value of the natural streams in urban areas. "Dipping into Creeks" educational packet. Workshops for educators, creek kit, and water quality monitoring kit available for classroom use.
Organizes neighborhood creek cleanups and a community-wide "Creek Week." Holds meetings, gives workshops and field outings to increase awareness of the value of natural streams. Encourages alternative flood control project design, stream bank stabilization methods and land use planning that preserves creeks as open space. Develops information on creek care in cooperation with county departments.

Keywords: environment

54. Sacramento County Regional Parks, Recreation and Open Space


Address: 10361 Rockingham Drive, Suite 100
City: Sacramento State: CA Zip: 95827

Contact Person: Liz Bellas
Contact's Position: Director
Phone: 9168755925
Hours: M-F 8-5pm

Descriptions: Sacramento County's Department of Regional Parks maintains and operates more than 15,000 acres of parks throughout the County. Our open spaces, multi-use trails, sports facilities, golf courses, river access and picnic areas offer outdoor adventure for every taste. We have developed strong partnerships with our volunteer and non-profit partners, with steady support from our elected officials. The heart and soul of our operations is our people - nearly one hundred employees who keep our parks safe, vibrant and inviting.

Keywords: environment, disabled persons, mental health

55. Sacramento Horsemen's Association


Address: 3200 Longview Drive
City: Sacramento State: CA Zip: 95821

Contact Person: Teri Burns
Contact's Position: Volunteer Coordinator
Phone: 9168028343
Hours: 9AM-5PM

Descriptions: Trail maintenance & Facility maintenance: pruning, painting, arena grading, weed eating, cleaning, etc.

Keywords: animals, environment, organizations, recreation

56. Sacramento Metropolitan Arts Commission


Address: 915 I Street, 3rd Floor
City: Sacramento State: CA Zip: 95814

Contact Person: Melissa Cirone
Contact's Position: Arts Education Coordinator
Phone: 9168083992
Hours: M-F8-5pm

Descriptions: Art in Public Places Provides visual art experiences in public locations through the production of temporary and permanent works of art in public places and rotating exhibitions at the Robert T. Matsui Gallery (at City Hall) and the Sacramento Municipal Utility Gallery. A volunteer docent or tour guide program provides tours and presentations to the general public, community organizations, and students.

Grants and Cultural Programs: This program oversees the distribution of County and City funds to arts organizations in Sacramento, and cultivates professional development and stabilization of artists and arts groups.

Arts Education: Provides professional development to teaching artists, and produces arts education programs in Sacramento schools, social institutions, and other community organizations.

Keywords: youth, women, environment, substance abuse, cultural

57. Sacramento Tree Foundation


Address: 191 Lathrop Way, Suite D
City: Sacramento State: CA Zip: 95815

Contact Person: Jacey Mayronne
Contact's Position: Volunteer Engagement Coordinator
Phone: 9169744310
Hours: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Descriptions: The mission of the Sacramento Tree Foundation is to grow thriving communities through stewardship of our urban forest. Since 1982, we have been building partnerships and empowering communities to envision the best places to live and invest in their urban forest. We do this by educating, advocating and lending support for tree plantings.

Keywords: Environment, Tree plantings, Urban Forestry

58. Sacramento Valley Conservancy


Address: 1501 Northgate Blvd.
City: Sacramento State: CA Zip: 95815

Contact Person: Carly Amatisto
Contact's Position: Program Coordinator
Phone: 9166123719
Hours: M-F 8:30AM-2:30PM

Descriptions: Sacramento Valley Conservancy is a non-profit that works to preserve open space in the Sacramento Region for farming, ranching, wildlife habitat, recreation, and outdoor education. At Camp Pollock, our 11-acre preserve along the American River Parkway, volunteers team up with SVC staff to accomplish tasks including: planting, weed eradication, painting, construction, fence building, outreach, native plant garden maintenance, and more!

Please contact our Program Coordinator if interested in learning more about what we do and how you can get involved.

Keywords: Education, Environment, Organizations, Outreach, Recreation, Volunteer Groups, Youth, Cultural, Ecology, Wildlife, Botany

59. Sacramento Zoos


Address: 3930 West Land Park Drive
City: Sacramento State: CA Zip: 95822

Contact Person: Phillip Drobnicki
Contact's Position: Volunteer Coordinator
Phone: 9168087444
Hours: Tue-Sat, 7:30 a.m-4:30 p.m

Descriptions: Locates in William Land Park; home to more than 600 animals including 40 endangered or threatened species. The 14-acre zoo plays an important role in the conservation of rare and endangered species. Research, captive breeding programs and education of visitors are all part of the zoo's efforts to promote understanding of the global environment, awareness of the plight of endangered animals and the need to promote conservation of the world's natural resources. Their many volunteer programs include: Keeper-Aide Program: For many volunteers interested in biology, zoology, animal science, and other related fields. To qualify for the program, volunteers must complete a zoo volunteer application and submit a resume and cover letter. Keeper-aides work directly with the animal keepers in food preparation, animal care, and enclosure maintenance. Grounds Maintenance: Volunteers on this crew help with basic grounds maintenance, clean-up, and exhibit renovation. Docent Program: Volunteers attend a 40 hour training class, held each January, to become tour guides, present educational slide presentations and live animal encounters. Clerical: Assist Zoo administration with clerical duties. Fund Raising Events/Special Promotions: Volunteers help develop, plan, produce, and staff special events throughout the year.

Keywords: animals, environment

60. Safety Center


Address: 3909 Bradshaw Road
City: Sacramento State: CA Zip: 95827

Contact Person: Molly Patterson
Contact's Position: Volunteer Coordinator
Phone: 9164383351
Hours: M-F 8-5pm

Descriptions: Quality safety education and training to reduce injuries and save lives. Safety software and other products for sale. Employee training booklets.

Alcohol and Drug Education Program offers court-mandated programs for first time and multiple offenders as well as drug diversion and juvenile program. Drug Free Workplace training for businesses.

Community Safety Training Program teaches safety-minded citizens how to save lives, prevent injuries, and avoid accidents. Courses include defensive driving and mature driver course.

Motorcycle Training Program for novice and experienced riders in Sacramento and San Jose.

Occupational Training Program offers more than 24 different occupational training sites throughout the state, covering everything from forklift operation and instructor training to confined space safety. Training for people responsible for their company's safety programs.

Safetyville USA (916) 366-7233 x211

Training for children in pre-school and grades K-3 in elements of safety and health. Children learn safety awareness in a realistic environment of a miniature town and are taught bicycle laws, fire safety procedures, and general injury prevention methods that can save a life.

Keywords: education, youth, recreation

61. Sahaya International


Address: 1504 Portola Street
City: Davis State: CA Zip: 95616

Contact Person: Koen Van Rompay
Phone: 5307569074

Descriptions: Sahaya International consists of a network of friends who volunteer their time to build awareness and support of healthcare, education, environmental and socio-economic grassroots programs in developing countries.

Keywords: education, environment, outreach

62. Salvation Army


Address: 1200 North B Street
City: Sacramento State: CA Zip: 95814

Contact Person: Cruz Gusman
Contact's Position: Shelter Services Director
Phone: 9164529388
Phone 2: 9164461476
Hours: M-F 8-4:30pm

Descriptions: Shelter Services: Lodging and meals provided to homeless single men and women for 30 to 120 days, including a support system of multiple resources and specialize programs. Job development, computer training, employment counseling, mental health services, recreational activities and substance abuse counseling. Alcoholics Anonymous, alternative housing, spiritual counseling, chapel services, and bible studies also offered. Casework, counseling, and referral services provided to address other areas of need.

Other programs under the Salvation Army that use volunteers,
Adult Rehabilitation Center (916) 441-5267
Six-month residential social model treatment program for men with treatable handicap (I.e., alcoholism, drug abuse, anger of other abuse issues).
Sacramento Citadel Corps Center (916) 452-9388
Religious programs, fellowship, and recreation for all ages.
Child Development Center (916) 451-4230
Strives to meet the needs of individual children and encourage emotional, social, intellectual, and physical growth.
Ray Robinson Oak Park Community Center (916) 452-9388
Educational, recreational, social and spiritual programs for all persons in a safe and secure environment regardless of age, race, religion, creed, color or gender.

Keywords: housing, recreaton, youth, substance abuse, hunger

63. Sierra Nevada Journeys


Address: 2515 Venture Oaks Way
City: Sacramento State: CA Zip: 95833

Contact Person: Kayla Reeser
Contact's Position: Volunteer and Intern Coordinator
Hours: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Descriptions: Sierra Nevada Journeys is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that delivers innovative outdoor, science-based education programs for youth to develop critical thinking skills and to inspire natural resource stewardship. Through multiple points of contact, our classroom-based programs, overnight science camps, professional development for teachers, and parent engagement opportunities surround students with resources they need to succeed. All programs are designed to foster higher cognition and build long-term student achievement.

Field Educator Volunteer or Field Educator Internship:
Students would be responsible for leading groups of 12-15 students on a 3 hour field trip. Our field trips are on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 8:30 AM to 1:15 PM. This volunteer position requires training and availability during the work day. We have some volunteers that join us once a week, others that come a couple times a month. We also have different trainings throughout the year that we ask volunteers to attend. These are usually 3-4 Fridays in the fall and spring. Internship applicants must be available once a week.

Family STEM Night Volunteer:
Students are responsible for running a science station at a local school. These events are on Tuesday or Wednesday evenings from 4:30-7:15 PM. This position does not require any training, and students can choose how many events you would like to attend. We usually have one or two events every week in the Fall and Spring and volunteers can pick the dates they would like to attend.

Some information about Family STEM Night Volunteers:
- 3 hour commitment on a Tuesday, Wednesday evening
- Family STEM Night takes place at local Sacramento schools in their multi-purpose room
- Volunteers get the opportunity to run a fun, hands-on, and interactive science station with students and families
- We need about 6-8 volunteers for each event
- Volunteers do not need previous science or teaching backgrounds

The following link has a great video about our Family Science Night events:

Keywords: Education, Environment, Youth, Science, Outdoors, Teaching

64. Sierra Service Project


Address: 1516 Del Paso Blvd
City: Sacramento State: CA Zip: 95815

Contact Person: Sarah Reynolds & Elliot Sisterson
Contact's Position: Program Manager
Phone: 9164886441
Hours: M-F 9am-6pm

Descriptions: For 45 years, Sierra Service Project has offered home repairs for low-income residents throughout the western United States. We provide minor home repairs for local homeowners free of charge, and we need your help! We make it easy for volunteers to get involved: we provide power tools, construction materials, on-site leadership, lunch, and t-shirts, so that every service day is free for the volunteer. Groups of 5 to 15 are welcome to volunteer. All you need to do is bring a release and get yourself to the work site in North Sacramento or Rancho Cordova to take part. Service days offer an awesome environment to build community while serving others.

Keywords: Home Repair, Housing, Volunteer Groups

65. SMUD Museum of Science and Curiosity (MOSAC)


Address: 400 Jibboom Street
City: Sacramento State: CA Zip: 95811

Contact's Position: Team Development Coordinator
Phone: 9166745000
Hours: Mon-Fri, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; Sat-Sun, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.

Descriptions: Volunteers are an integral part of creating an experience for our guests that is smooth, user-friendly, fun, and memorable. Volunteers provide vital support in the exhibit areas, at special events, with education preparation, and with greeting/ wayfinding. All kinds of people volunteer at MOSAC, from teenagers to seniors and from science novices to science professionals. Volunteering is an opportunity to teach, to learn, to meet people, to experience a stimulating environment, and to enhance curiosity. Some of our volunteers contribute just a few hours a month, while others prefer to work several hours each week.

Keywords: Science, kids, youth, teaching

66. Student Recruitment Retention Center


Address: Student Community Center
City: Davis / UC Davis State: CA Zip: 95616

Contact Person: Mayra Lamas
Contact's Position: Collective Administrative Director

Descriptions: The Student Recruitment Retention Center is a student-run, student-initiated organization on campus. It is an organization that works for educational equity through recruitment and retention efforts in leadership development. Retention is putting on workshops on campus on time management or other issues relevant to retention, providing general support, or providing a social environment conducive for specific communities.In recruitment, the SRRC does outreach trips to high schools, middle schools and community colleges to get students ready for higher education and encourage them to apply. The SRRC encompases many programs that work to assist students, SAFE (Southeast Asians Furthering Education), Bridge (Pilipino/a), GAAAP (Graduate Academic Acheivement Advocacy Program), NE'UE (Natives Empowering Unity through Education), Yi'kal Kuyum (Latino/a), Collective (all encompassing/Transfer), and ACE (African Diaspora Cultivating Education), working with these programs you will be working in a multi-cultural environment. In addition to putting on workshops, you can find experience with graphic design, campus tours, and even help in a video publicity project. These various programs also put on various leadership retreats to empower and encourage students to be active in their community. Because the SRRC is student-run, there is much freedom in how you decide you want to do things, as you can design your own internship. Or you can work closely with an intern to find other practical experience. Specific experiences can be tailored. You can also gain experience in writing budgets and proposals, and you can intern/volunteer anywhere from a quarter to a year. Yearly internships are paid through a stipend. Volunteers and Interns can work anywhere from a quarter to a year. Applications are received all year, and hiring is at different times for each program.

For more information, contact us at the SRRC and refer to our website at

67. The American River Parkway Foundation


Address: 5700 Arden Way
City: Carmichael State: CA Zip: 95608

Contact Person: Jordan Powell
Contact's Position: Volunteer Coordinator
Phone: 9164862773
Hours: M-F 8:30-4:30

Descriptions: Check out volunteer opportunities on our website at

Volunteer coordination for projects include habitat improvement and restoration tree-planting and monitoring, clean-up activities, bicycle trail maintenance and special projects to improve amenities in public use areas.

Keywords: environment

68. Tree Davis


Address: P.O. Box 72053
City: Davis State: CA Zip: 95617

Contact Person: Erin Donley Marineau
Contact's Position: Executive Director
Phone: 5307587337
Hours: N/A; We do not have a physical office

Descriptions: TREE Davis is a nonprofit organization dedicated to educating people about urban trees. Tree plantings, care workshops, and education-specific literature are among the many services TREE Davis provides.

Volunteer opportunities include Outreach and Education, Tree Planting, Tree Maintenance, Outdoor Activities, and Manual Labor.

Keywords: Environment, tree, education

69. Tuleyome


Address: 607 North Street
City: Woodland State: CA Zip: 95695

Contact Person: Bill Grabert and Nate Lillge
Contact's Position: Activities Coordinators
Phone: 5303502599
Hours: 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM M-F

Descriptions: We are a non-profit outdoor advocacy and conservation organization working to get people outside to enjoy nature and enjoy public lands. Our geographic focus is the Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument area and Yolo/Napa/Lake counties. The main volunteer opportunities are in helping to build and maintain trails in that area (including the UCD Stebbins Cold Canyon trail near Winters). In addition, we lead elementary school nature field trips in Yolo and Lake Counties, and need volunteers to help watch and/or teach the kids. Additional opportunities include helping to create a Tuleyome phone app, helping to map our trails into the REI Hiking Project app, setting up chairs for our monthly lecture at the Davis Library, and adding contacts into our database.

Keywords: environment, youth

70. UC Davis Arboretum


Address: 448 La Rue Rd
City: Davis State: CA Zip: 95616

Contact Person: Melissa Cruz
Phone: 5307548293
Hours: M-F 8:30am-12pm; 1-4:30pm

Descriptions: 100 acres of garden featuring drought-tolerant, low-maintenance plants. Docent guides lead tours and environmental activities for children and adults.

Volunteers trained in gardening and nursery work, landscape design, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and environmental education.

Keywords: environment, youth

71. uVolunteer


Address: 501 Silverside Road, Suite 105
City: Wilmington State: Delaware Zip: 19809

Contact Person: Nathaniel Amponsah
Contact's Position: Program Manager
Phone: 1302241215x9
Hours: 9am-5pm

Descriptions: uVolunteer specializes in providing volunteer work placements in Costa Rica, Ghana and Thailand. Our service learning projects include Teaching, Care & Community, Construction, Environment and Animal Conservation.

Our program promotes change and provides direction and purpose for our participants. Additional benefits are cultural insight, adventure and a safe environment for independent, female and student travellers.

Keywords: animals, education, environment, international, organizations

72. Wildlife Care Association


Address: 5211 Patrol Road
City: McClellan State: CA Zip: 95652

Contact Person: Yenifer Guzman
Contact's Position: Volunteer Coordinator
Hours: 10am-6pm daily

Descriptions: Wildlife Care Association is a nonprofit organization committer to the rescue, rehabilitation and release of local wildlife. We are in constant need of volunteers who are willing to help keep our facility running smoothly, take care of the animals and/or educate the public about wildlife. For more information on specific volunteer positions, people can visit our website and they can also apply there. (

Keywords: Animals, Education, Outreach, Environment, Wildlife

73. Woodland Tree Foundation


City: Woodland State: CA Zip: 95776

Phone: 5308673130

Descriptions: The Woodland Tree Foundation is a volunteer-run non-profit dedicated to increasing the tree canopy of the City of Woodland. They have projects year round where volunteers can help with planting trees, gardening, and beautifying the city of Woodland. Contact them to find out about upcoming service events and how you can get involved.

Keywords: environment

74. Yolo Basin Foundation


Address: 45211 County Road 32B (East Chiles Road)
City: Davis State: CA Zip: 95618

Contact Person: Chelsea Martinez
Contact's Position: Community Outreach and Volunteer Coordinator
Phone: 5307573780
Hours: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Descriptions: Yolo Basin Foundation is looking for volunteers to support their environmental education programs by assisting with special events, tours, school programs, and general office work. YBF is dedicated to expanding public appreciation and stewardship of wetlands and wildlife in the Yolo Basin through education and innovative partnerships.

If you wish to volunteer with Yolo Basin Foundation, please visit our website for more information and ways to volunteer. You can fill out our online volunteer application or contact Chelsea Martinez with any questions about volunteering with Yolo Basin Foundation. Thanks!

Keywords: outdoors, youth, environment, local, education, wildlife, wetlands, animals, organizations, recreation

75. Yolo Community Care Continuum


Address: 285 W. Court Street, Suite 207 (PO Box 1101 Davis, CA 95617)
City: Woodland State: CA Zip: 95695

Contact Person: Kacy Goulart
Contact's Position: Administration
Phone: 5307582160

Descriptions: Yolo Community Care Continuum (YCCC) is a non-profit agency servicing people with a mental illness in Northern California. We currently have programs located in Davis, Woodland, Roseville, and Auburn. We provide housing, direct services, education and advocacy for people with a mental illness. All of our programs are voluntary based and our programs provide client-driven services, which assists people to attain their highest level of mental health. YCCC strives to excel as a dynamic presence in our community.

Farmhouse (located in Davis): a long term residential treatment program that offers a group living environment. Adults live and work cooperatively, learning the skills necessary to make a successful transition from a highly structured treatment environment to a less restricted form of independent living.

Safe Harbor Crisis House (located in Woodland): a short term residential treatment program which provides crisis intervention in a supportive, group living environment for adults who are experiencing acute psychiatric symptoms. The program is designed for individuals who need an intermediate step between a hospital stay and returning home or who wish a more structured setting in order to prevent psychiatric hospitalization.

Harmony House (located in Auburn): an adult residential facility with a treatment component program that offers mentally ill individuals a group living environment. Adults live at Harmony House cooperatively; learn the skills necessary to live independently while receiving support from highly trained Mental Health Workers.

Supportive Housing Program (office in Woodland): Cooperative living opportunities are provided through the YCCC housing project. Houses and congregate living apartments are located in Davis and Woodland. At each house, residents have their own room and do their own shopping and cooking. House meetings, facilitated by a YCCC Mental Health Worker, help residents to divide chores and resolve any issues that may arise between housemates. Staff also provides individual support to those who need help with activities of daily living or managing their mental health symptoms.

Cornerstone (located in Roseville): a short term residential treatment program which provides crisis intervention in a supportive, group living environment for adults who are experiencing acute psychiatric symptoms. The program is designed for individuals who need an intermediate step between a hospital stay and returning home or who wish a more structured setting in order to prevent psychiatric hospitalization.

Keywords: mental health, treatment