Did you come across information that is out of date? Please let us know by emailing communityservice@ucdavis.edu.
1. 2-1-1 Sacramento
Address: 8001 Folsom Blvd. Suite 100
City: Sacramento State: CA Zip: 95825
Contact Person: Gabriel Kendall
Contact's Position: Volunteer/Intern Coordinator
Phone: 9164981000
Email: gkendall@211sacramento.org
Hours: M-F 8:30am-12:00pm, 1:00pm-4:00pm, Closed 12-1pm
Descriptions: 2-1-1 Sacramento welcomes volunteers and student interns for many rewarding opportunities while gaining valuable job-related experience and knowledge about community resources. 2-1-1 Sacramento is a comprehensive, multi-lingual information and referral service with a database of more than 2,400 local community and public services. Telephone information and referral specialists assist callers and put them in touch with the services they need. Contact Laurie Simon, Volunteer/Intern Coordinator, at (916) 447-063, ext 312, or laurie.simon@211sacramento.org
For more information, www.211sacramento.org
Keywords: volunteer groups
2. 4-H Youth Development Program
Address: 70 Cottonwood Street
City: Woodland State: CA Zip: 95695
Contact Person: Delynda Eldridge
Contact's Position: 4-H Program Representative
Phone: 5306668703
Email: mhsmith@ucdavis.edu
Hours: M-F 8-5pm
Descriptions: The UCCE 4-H Youth Development Program provides opportunities for 5-19 year old (male and female) youth to participate in research-based experiential education activities. "4-H" stands for Head, Heart, Hands and Health. Youth become members of clubs that meet monthly, and they work on projects that range from raising and showing livestock to learning sign language and performing skits for deaf children. All projects are designed to support the development of citizenship skills. Adult volunteers provide leadership for the diverse array of projects and events that are part of the 4-H program. The University of California Cooperative Extension Office oversees the implementation of this program. A corps of volunteers manages the program.
Keywords: volunteer groups, education, youth, animals, disabled persons
3. Alpha Phi Omega- Iota Phi
Publications: http://www.iotaphi.org/
Address: CSI 423 One Shields Avenue
City: Davis / UC Davis State: CA Zip: 95616
Contact Person: Kevin Tran
Contact's Position: President
Email: president@iotaphi.org
Descriptions: Alpha Phi Omega is a co-ed collegiate community service fraternity that strives to develop three cardinal principles: Leadership, Friendship, and Service. The Iota Phi chapter at UC Davis is among the largest in the nation, with members serving more than 10,000 hours in the Davis community each year.
Keywords: Student organizations, volunteer groups
4. ASUCD Pantry
Publications: http://www.thepantry.ucdavis.edu/
Address: Memorial Union #154
City: Davis / UC Davis State: CA Zip: 95616
Contact Person: Pantry Staff Team
Contact's Position: Pantry Volunteer Manager
Email: volunteer@thepantry.ucdavis.edu
Descriptions: The ASUCD Pantry is a student-run, student-directed campus food pantry under the Associated Students of UC Davis (ASUCD), serving up to 800 students daily through fresh produce, bread, non-perishable products, and basic necessities. We are located on the first floor of the Memorial Union, open 7 days a week.
Volunteers will directly interact with and assist students as they visit, as well as work to maintain the Pantry space. We ask our quarterly-committed volunteers for a 1.5 or 3 hour/week. One-time sign-ups are also available on our website.
Please email us to coordinate. We appreciate the support and dedication of groups across our campus and local community.
We have had 47,000+ visits in the 2018-2019 school year, and to operate, we have recruited, trained, and scheduled 120+ volunteers to staff the Pantry and now we are looking for Spring '20 volunteers to help expand our hours of operation.
Join us in our fight for a hunger-free campus and a healthy, thriving UC Davis community.
Follow Us on Social Media!
FB: https://www.facebook.com/ucdpantry
IG: https://www.instagram.com/thepantryatucdavis/
Email: thepantry.ucdavis.edu
Visit us at the Memorial Union!
Keywords: Education, Emergency, Health, Hunger, Volunteer Groups, Disabled Persons, Elderly, Organizations, Women, Youth
5. Cal Corps Public Service Center
Publications: http://publicservice.berkeley.edu/
Address: 505 Eshleman Hall
City: Berkeley State: CA Zip: 947205150
Phone: 5106423916
Email: publicservice@berkeley.edu
Descriptions: Founded in 1967, the Cal Corps Public Service Center promotes the UC Berkeley mission of public service by coordinating a variety of activities and programs for students, faculty, and staff and by providing training, advising, and support. Their programs and services assist campus community members in developing leadership skills, a stronger sense of self and community, principles of justice and social action, and in the development of positive social relationships.
Keywords: volunteer groups, organizations
6. Circle K International at UC Davis
Publications: http://www.daviscki.com/calendar
City: Davis / UC Davis State: Zip:
Hours: Wednesdays 6-7pm
Descriptions: Circle K International is a collegiate community service, leadership development, and friendship organization. Circle K clubs are organized and sponsored by a Kiwanis club on a college or university campus. It is a self-governing organization and elects its own officers, conducts its own meetings, and determines its own service activities.
There are over 12,600 members worldwide in 18 nations. On the district level, our clubs work within the boundaries of California, Nevada, and Hawaii to achieve common goals and service initiatives, to come together at conferences and conventions, and to do large scale service projects.
UC Davis Circle K was chartered on April 5, 1974 and remains one of the oldest Circle K clubs in the California-Nevada-Hawaii District. The club also works with other organizations on campus and in the community, including Tree Davis, Willett Elementary, Yolo County Food Bank, Davis Community Meals, Challah for Hunger, and more. New members are welcome to join any time during the year! We do service year-round, because service never sleeps! UC Davis Circle K is open to working with anyone, so if you need volunteers at an event or want to work with us, please come out to one of our meetings or visit our website.
Keywords: student organizations, volunteer groups
7. City of Davis - Adopt a Park
Address: 23 Russell Blvd
City: Davis State: CA Zip: 95616
Contact Person: Kellie Vitaich
Contact's Position: Volunteer Program Coordinator
Phone: 5307475874
Email: kvitaich@cityofdavis.org
Hours: M-F, 7:30 a.m.. - 4:30 p.m.
Keywords: Cultural, Disabled Persons, Elderly, Environment, Outreach, Recreation, Volunteer Groups, Women, Youth
8. City of Sacramento Volunteer Program
Publications: http://www.sacvolunteers.org/
Address: 915 I Street, Historic City Hall 1st Floor
City: Sacramento State: CA Zip: 95814
Contact Person: Mary Lynn Perry
Contact's Position: Volunteer Coordinator
Phone: 9168088317
Email: mperry@cityofsacramento.org
Hours: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm
Descriptions: The City of Sacramento is a municipal government and provides fire, police, utility and other services for the city's residents. In addition, the city has a variety of amenities for both residents and visitors including parks, recreation programs, a zoo, and museums. Volunteers provide a broad source of expertise, talent, and manpower for City programs. Volunteers gain new skills, meet new people, make use of talents, develop greater knowledge and understanding of city government, help solve community issues, secure job references, explore career possibilities and gain personal satisfaction of making a difference in their community.
Volunteers assist with special events, animal care, gardening, tours, arts and crafts, child development, and much more. Some departments can utilize volunteers as young as 12, while others require the volunteer to be at least 21. Short-term options include helping with fairs, festivals, sports activities, adopt-a-park clean-ups and other one-day events. On-going opportunities offer the chance to work with animals as well as youth and seniors. Unpaid internships and group options are also available.
Keywords: Animals, Cultural, Disabled Persons, Education, Elderly, Environment, Recreation, Volunteer Groups, Youth
9. City of Woodland Parks and Recreation Department
Publications: http://www.cityof woodland.org/
Address: 2001 East Street
City: Woodland State: CA Zip: 95776
Contact Person: Dallas Tringali
Contact's Position: Recreation Supervisor
Phone: 5306612000
Email: prcs@cityofwoodland.org
Hours: Mon-Fri 8-5
Descriptions: For more information on volunteer opportunities, visit www.cityofwoodland.org
Keywords: volunteer groups
10. Davis Central Park Gardens
Publications: www.centralparkgardens.org
Address: B Street (Between 3rd and 4th Street)
City: Davis State: CA Zip: 95616
Contact Person: Emily Griswold
Contact's Position: President of the Board of Directors
Email: centralparkgardens@gmail.com
Hours: Every other Saturday
Descriptions: The gardens showcase beautiful plants and sustainable gardening practices in Davis' award-winning Central Park. Community volunteers lead garden maintenance and educational programs in partnership with the City of Davis and the Yolo County Master Gardeners. We hold volunteer gardening sessions on alternate Saturday mornings year-round. Volunteers are provided tools and direction for garden projects, and work days are led by experienced local gardeners. Volunteer events are every other Saturday. Fall/Winter from 10am-12pm; Spring/Summer from 9am-11am.
Keywords: plants, garden, biology, horticulture, environmental science, sustainability, organizations, volunteer groups
11. Episcopal Service Corps
Publications: https://episcopalservicecorps.org/
Address: Residential locations throughout the country
Contact Person: Wendy Johnson
Contact's Position: ESC Coordinator
Phone: 3478806512
Email: wjohnson@episcopalchurch.org
Descriptions: Episcopal Service Corps is a network of locally organized and incorporated intentional communities dedicated to offering opportunities for young adults ages 21-32 to:
- Serve others in solidarity and promote justice in community
- Deepen their spiritual awareness and vocational discernment
- Live simply in intentional community
Keywords: corps, organizations, religious, volunteer groups
12. GoEco
Publications: http://www.goeco.org/
Address: 69 Bograshov
City: Tel Aviv State: Israel Zip:
Contact Person: Daniella
Contact's Position: Content Manager
Phone: 6462404545x506
Email: goeco@goeco.org
Hours: Sunday to Thursday 8:00AM - 3:00 PM GMT
Descriptions: GoEco is a leading eco-tourism company with over 150 marine conservation, animal conservation, environmental, community aid, medical and teaching volunteer opportunities abroad! GoEco promotes award-winning programs that are carefully chosen by the company's founding sustainable travel experts. Programs are available in 40 countries, and many long-term and research-based programs can qualify for academic credit.
Keywords: abroad, international, wildlife conservation, marine conservation, marine biology, medicine, teach English abroad, environmental
Pre-defined searches: animals, education, environment, health, international, volunteer groups, women, youth
13. Grace in Action
Publications: https://grace-in-action.org/
Address: POBox 4393
City: Davis State: CA Zip: 95617
Phone: 5307921053
Email: graceinactiondavis@gmail.com
Descriptions: Grace in Action is a Christ-centered ministry that serves homeless and low-income individuals in Davis. Our purpose is to restore hope and dignity through compassionate care, spiritual companionship, and referrals to local agencies.
Grace in Action is uniquely positioned to serve the most vulnerable individuals in Yolo County by bridging the gap between our community of giving and local agency programs. More than sixteen local churches partner with us along with many volunteers and supporters as together we reach out to those in need.
Keywords: Religious, Homeless, Davis, Volunteer groups
14. KVIE Channel 6
Publications: https://www.kvie.org/volunteer/
Address: 2030 W El Camino
City: Sacramento State: CA Zip: 95833
Phone: 9169295843
Email: volunteer@kvie.org
Descriptions: We are public television for Northern California and the Central Valley. Learn more about KVIE's history, management, volunteers, and members, plus access our public information.
Over 300 volunteers donate over 10,000 hours each year to help make great public television happen! Learn more about volunteer opportunities for groups and individuals.
Keywords: Group club, volunteer groups, media
15. Mutual Housing Association California
Publications: http://www.mutualhousing.com/community-organizing-at-mutual-housing/programs/
Address: 3321 Power Inn Road, Ste 320
City: Sacramento State: CA Zip: 95826
Contact Person: George Xiong
Contact's Position: Resident Programs Manager
Phone: 5309080800
Email: george@mutualhousing.com
Hours: 9:00 am - 5:30 pm
Descriptions: Mutual Housing owns and operates 1,071 homes, housing over 3,600 residents; including 346 homes in Davis and Woodland. We offer a permanent solution to the housing needs of California's diverse families. With residents taking a key role in overseeing their properties and developing programs through site-specific resident councils, communities are created in which residents have a vested interest. Councils and issue-specific site committees provide leadership in the identification of resident and community needs and in raising resources to fill those needs. These include youth development programs, education and economic development resources, safety and security programs, and recreational facilities. The mission of Mutual Housing California is to develop, operate and advocate for sustainable housing that builds strong communities through resident participation and leadership development.
Keywords: Housing, Education, Elderly, Environment, Health, Cultural, Mentor/Tutor, Organizations, Outreach, Recreation, Volunteer Groups, Youth
16. National Multiple Sclerosis Society
Publications: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/2020WalkMSSAC
Address: 4153 Northgate Blvd, Suite 6
City: Sacramento State: CA Zip: 95834
Contact Person: Mikaela Alvarado
Contact's Position: Volunteer Engagement Specialist
Phone: 9169279113x75209
Email: mikaela.alvarado@nmss.org
Hours: 9am-5pm M-F
Descriptions: Volunteer your time and talents so our fundraising events can be executed well! Fundraising events like Walk MS: Sacramento, Walk MS: Folsom need hundreds of volunteers to help with set up and break down, registration, food and beverage distribution, medical support, t-shirt distribution, and much more! Our annual fundraising events bring thousands of people together to have fun, celebrate successes large and small, connect with others in the MS community and raise money for programs, services and research. It takes a village to put on these events and they would not be possible without the leadership and specialized skills of our volunteers.
Link to publications/websites:
Keywords: Disabled Persons, Health, Organizations, Outreach, Recreation, Volunteer Groups
17. PERIOD at UC Davis
Publications: https://davisperiod.wixsite.com/home
City: Davis / UC Davis State: CA Zip: 95616
Contact Person: Annie Wang
Phone: 9252857002
Email: davisperiod@gmail.com
Hours: M-F 9AM-6PM
Descriptions: PERIOD at UC Davis is the local Davis chapter of PERIOD, and international non-profit destigmatizing, celebrating, and improving access to menstrual hygiene through Education, Service, and Advocacy. Our UC Davis chapter are currently working on our Free the Period initiative to secure free menstrual products to students in bathrooms campus-wide, and eventually University of California system-wide, because they are basic necessities like toilet paper and soap. We create educational workshops and campaigns to combat the stigma against periods and we also collaborate with local non-profit organizations to distribute menstrual products to communities in need. Visit our website for volunteer sign-up opportunities!
Keywords: Education, Health, Media, Outreach, Volunteer Groups, Women
18. Sacramento County Volunteer Referral Line
Publications: http://www.dhhs.saccounty.net/Admin/VOL/Pages/Volunteer-Services-Home.aspx
Address: 4145 Branch Center Road
City: Sacramento State: CA Zip: 95827
Contact Person: Carolyn Fernandez
Contact's Position: Administrative Services
Phone: 9168756581
Hours: M-F 8-5pm
Descriptions: Refers volunteers for positions in County of Sacramento government departments. Volunteers are referred to appropriate department's coordinator.
Keyword: Volunteer groups
19. Sacramento Valley Conservancy
Publications: http://www.sacramentovalleyconservancy.org/
Address: 1501 Northgate Blvd.
City: Sacramento State: CA Zip: 95815
Contact Person: Carly Amatisto
Contact's Position: Program Coordinator
Phone: 9166123719
Email: outreach@sacramentovalleyconservancy.org
Hours: M-F 8:30AM-2:30PM
Descriptions: Sacramento Valley Conservancy is a non-profit that works to preserve open space in the Sacramento Region for farming, ranching, wildlife habitat, recreation, and outdoor education. At Camp Pollock, our 11-acre preserve along the American River Parkway, volunteers team up with SVC staff to accomplish tasks including: planting, weed eradication, painting, construction, fence building, outreach, native plant garden maintenance, and more!
Please contact our Program Coordinator if interested in learning more about what we do and how you can get involved.
Keywords: Education, Environment, Organizations, Outreach, Recreation, Volunteer Groups, Youth, Cultural, Ecology, Wildlife, Botany
20. Sierra Service Project
Publications: SierraServiceProject.org/Volunteer-Sacramento
Address: 1516 Del Paso Blvd
City: Sacramento State: CA Zip: 95815
Contact Person: Sarah Reynolds & Elliot Sisterson
Contact's Position: Program Manager
Phone: 9164886441
Email: Sacramento@SierraServiceProject.org
Hours: M-F 9am-6pm
Descriptions: For 45 years, Sierra Service Project has offered home repairs for low-income residents throughout the western United States. We provide minor home repairs for local homeowners free of charge, and we need your help! We make it easy for volunteers to get involved: we provide power tools, construction materials, on-site leadership, lunch, and t-shirts, so that every service day is free for the volunteer. Groups of 5 to 15 are welcome to volunteer. All you need to do is bring a release and get yourself to the work site in North Sacramento or Rancho Cordova to take part. Service days offer an awesome environment to build community while serving others.
Keywords: Home Repair, Housing, Volunteer Groups
21. Suicide Prevention of Yolo County
Publications: http://www.suicidepreventionyolocounty.org/?page_id=36
Address: P.O. Box 622
City: Davis State: CA Zip: 95617
Contact Person: Ting Ting Lee
Contact's Position: Crisis Line Director
Phone: 5307567542
Email: spyc@sbcglobal.net
Hours: M-F 9-5pm
Descriptions: The mission of Suicide Prevention and Crisis Services of Yolo County is to provide crisis prevention and intervention, education and community outreach services to the residents of Yolo County. Play a role in saving the lives of Yolo County residents. Join the dedicated volunteers who answer our phones as the first point of human contact in the steps toward mental health. Volunteers undergo a 36-hour training program in which they develop the skills needed to manage issues of depression, suicide, family relationship conflicts and mental illness. Initially, volunteers serve six hours per week and donate a one-year service commitment upon successful completion of the training program. Please join us. Your voice and your ear are more valuable than you can imagine. Volunteers have been, and continue to be the backbone of this agency. Quality training provides volunteers with the opportunity to participate in the increased well-being, not only of themselves, but of the community they live in.
Keywords: counseling; emergency; health; mental health; organizations; volunteer groups; youth
22. The Regional Center for Volunteerism-HandsOn Sacramento
Publications: www.handsonsacto.org
Address: 8001 Folsom Boulevard
City: Sacramento State: CA Zip: 95826
Contact Person: Mika Guevarra, Valeri Mihanovich
Contact's Position: Program Coordinator and Director
Phone: 9164477063x101
Phone 2: 9164477063x105
Email: info@handsonsacto.org; mguevarra@communitylinkcr.org
Hours: 9am-5pm
Descriptions: The Regional Center for Volunteerism-HandsOn Sacramento, a comprehensive, full-service volunteer action center committed to social change by engaging volunteers to make a difference in their community. HandsOn Sacramento serves Sacramento, Yolo, Placer and El Dorado Counties. Volunteers can search and register for volunteer opportunities on their website: www.handsonsacto.org . Volunteer coordinators who wish to recruit volunteers for their agency are also encouraged to post their volunteer opportunities on this website.
HandsOn Sacramento also includes the Disaster Services program which addresses the management of volunteers and donations in disasters and Sacramento Region Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (VOAD) a partnership with local governments, non-profits and faith-based organizations and convenes the group on a quarterly basis to coordinate tabletop exercises, problem-solving discussion groups and address current needs in VOAD member response and recovery.
Keywords: volunteer groups
23. The Willow Clinic
Publications: http://www.willowclinic.org/
Address: 1200 North B Street
City: Sacramento State: CA Zip: 95811
Email: info@willowclinic.org
Hours: Every Saturday, 9am-1pm
Descriptions: The mission of the Willow Clinic is to comprehensively improve the health of the homeless population of Sacramento, while providing a unique platform for undergraduate and professional student education. The Willow Clinic achieves this by empowering students to operate a makeshift clinic each Saturday, where local homeless individuals can seek medical and psychiatric care as well as a host of other services. The Willow Clinic brings together a diverse set of compassionate, dedicated, and enthusiastic students and healthcare professionals who work together to provide these much needed services to one of the most historically neglected populations. Currently featuring an expanded dispensary, extended community resources, dental services, nutrition counseling, and more the Willow Clinic is an essential, growing fixture in the safety net of healthcare in Sacramento.
We strive to improve the health and well being of the homeless while raising the awareness of medical students and undergraduates to the unique needs of this traditionally ignored population. Using the tools of screening, education and advocacy, we endeavor to detect and prevent disease, to teach basic life skills, and to promote utilization of community services. Our goal for each patient is to catalyze their transition from control to personal health to self reliance and ultimately to understand their ability to contribute to society and to their well being. Our goal for each student is to incite appreciation for the diversity of health care needs and foster the commitment to improve medicine for all.
Keywords: Volunteer Groups, Clinic, Health, Mental Health
24. Therapeutic Riding and Off-Track Rehabilitation (TROTR)
Publications: https://www.trotr.org/
Address: 22408 County Road 102
City: Woodland State: CA Zip: 95776
Contact Person: Shannon Personeni
Contact's Position: Owner/Manager
Phone: 5308673866
Email: info@trotr.org
Descriptions: TROTR is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that specializes in adaptive horseback riding, as well as taking former racehorses and helping them find new, loving forever homes. TROTR is certified by PATH Intl and provides adaptive riding lessons and hippotherapy to people of all ages and abilities. We rescue a variety of animals ranging from horses and donkeys to alpacas and llamas to tortoises and pigs, and everything in between. We also participate in school and community outreach and offer multiple educational enrichment programs for homeschool, public, and private school children. Our volunteers assist in farm tasks, groom and turn out horses, feed animals, and especially help with adaptive riding lessons as leaders and sidewalkers. There are plenty of volunteer and internship opportunities for people of all backgrounds and interests and we would love to have you join us!
Keywords: animals, disabled persons, education, organizations, outreach, recreation, volunteer groups, youth
25. Universal Giving
Publications: https://universalgiving.org/
Address: 560 Sutter Street
City: San Francisco State: CA Zip: 94102
Contact Person: Hyuna Lee
Contact's Position: University Lead
Phone: 4152969193
Email: hyulee@universalgiving.org
Descriptions: Universal Giving is a social entrepreneurship non-profit dedicated to increasing international giving and volunteering. We are a San Francisco based organization that was established in 2002 by founder and CEO Pamela Hawley. We currently have 10 employees. Our free web-based service ensures that donors and volunteers find the right opportunity, in the right country, right now! Through our customized search box, you can search for an opportunity by a country (i.e. Afghanistan) and/or a focus (i.e. Education & Literacy), and Universal Giving provides a list of fun and exciting opportunities for you.
Keywords: International, volunteer groups
26. Volunteer Center of Sacramento
Publications: http://www.cityofsacramento.org/hr/volunteer-opportunities
Address: 915 I Street, 1st Floor Department of Human Resources/Administration
City: Sacramento State: CA Zip: 95814
Contact Person: Mary Lynn Perry
Contact's Position: Community Resource Coordinator
Phone: 9168088317
Email: mperry@cityofsacramento.org
Hours: M-F 9-5pm
Descriptions: The City of Sacramento and its non-profit partners have a wide variety of volunteer opportunities for youth and adults. These include short-term as well as on-going activities. If you'd like to volunteer, please visit our on-line searchable listings. You may apply online at City of Sacramento Volunteer Program or view our volunteer program web pages for more information.
Keyword: Volunteer groups, volunteer, sacramento
27. Volunteers in Victim Assistance
Publications: http://www.victimassistance.us/home.php
Address: 8912 Volunteer Lane, Suite 110A
City: Sacramento State: CA Zip: 95826
Phone: 9163688482
Email: viva@victimassistance.us
Hours: M-F 9-4:30pm
Descriptions: Volunteers In Victim Assistance, VIVA, is a nonprofit community service organization established in 1983 to provide counseling and assistance to victims of serious injury and violent crime and their family members. VIVA provides 24-hour crisis counseling and long term individual and family counseling, including assistance with the criminal justice system.
VIVA also has an expressive arts therapy program, "Project Hands On," for children and adolescent victims of trauma. This program provides ongoing art, play, and sandplay therapy.
Volunteers are needed in several areas. Hotline Advocates staff VIVA's hotline from their homes. Counselors/facilitators co-facilitate weekly support groups and provide individual counseling to children, adolescent, and/or adult victims of trauma. Volunteers/Interns are also needed for community crisis response, assisting with the volunteer program, office assistance, speaking engagements, computer applications, fundraising, publicity, and the VIVA newsletter.
Keywords: Counseling, Volunteer groups
28. Volunteers of America
Publications: https://www.voa-ncnn.org/greater-sacramento
Address: 3434 Marconi Avenue
City: Sacramento State: CA Zip: 95821
Contact Person: Leo McFarland
Contact's Position: President
Phone: 9162653400
Email: info@voa-ncnn.org
Hours: M-F 8-5pm
Descriptions: Support services for families, children and seniors; outreach and referral for the homeless mentally ill; re-entry programs for ex-offenders; recovery programs for alcoholics and drug abusers; shelter for the homeless; job placement.
Keyword: Volunteer groups
29. Yolo Food Bank
Publications: http://www.yolofoodbank.org/volunteer/
Address: 233 Harter Avenue
City: Woodland State: CA Zip: 95776
Contact Person: Yasmin Frausto
Contact's Position: Volunteers and Food Drive Coordinator
Phone: 5306680690x116
Email: yasmin@yolofoodbank.org
Hours: 8:30 AM - 5 PM
Descriptions: For nearly 50 years, Yolo Food Bank has elevated the common good for the people and communities of Yolo County by fighting food insecurity. Founded as a volunteer-run backyard gleaning program, the Yolo Food Bank has grown to an organizational network of staff, volunteers and nearly 200 partners. We coordinate the storage and distribution of food from a network of growers, manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers and grocery stores, while simultaneously cultivating new sources of food. Yolo Food Bank serves about 52,000 individuals each month throughout Yolo County all with the help from our dedicated volunteers.
Volunteer Opportunities: Yolo Food Bank offers several one-time and ongoing volunteer opportunitiess from sorting food to food distributions. Please contact us now to learn more!
Keyword: Hunger, Health, Outreach, Volunteer groups, food bank, food insecurity, give back, food