Did you come across information that is out of date? Please let us know by emailing communityservice@ucdavis.edu.
1. Albert Einstein Residence Center
Publications: https://www.facebook.com/AlbertEinsteinCenter
Address: 1935 Wright Street
City: Sacramento State: CA Zip: 95825
Phone: 9169729555
Hours: 24 hours
Descriptions: This agency, which is sponsored by the Jewish community, provides low-income housing for the elderly. Volunteers are needed to provide one on one support to seniors and/or develop health, educational or recreational programs. Group projects can also be set up to work with the elderly.
Keywords: religious, housing, counseling, education, health, elderly
2. Alternatives Pregnancy Center
Publications: http://www.alternativespc.org/
Address: 1111 Howe St., Suite610
City: Sacramento State: CA Zip: 95825
Contact Person: Brook Odgers
Phone: 9168804040
Phone 2: 9169720367
Email: info@alternativespc.org
Hours: By scheduled appointment
Descriptions: Program run by the Alternatives Pregnancy Resource Center in Sacramento. Support groups to help women experiencing stress from a past abortion. Christian orientation. Facilitated by a trained volunteer.
916 880-4040 main number
Keywords: women, religious
3. Bridget's Dream
Publications: http://www.bridgetsdream.org/
Address: P.O. Box 162661
City: Sacramento State: CA Zip: 95816
Phone: 9162353690
Descriptions: Bridget's Dream is a faith-based nonprofit organization built on Biblical principles and dedicated to providing practical services to victims, their families, and youth at-risk of exploitation. We believe in the sound integration of psychological and biblical principles. We recognize that we are in a war and our battle strategy must come from the King of kings. Although Sex Trafficking has, within the last few years, emerged as our Nation's "hot topic", we recognize that the pursuit, rescue, and restoration of prostituted persons is not a new concept. William Booth (founder of the Salvation Army) pioneered this cause in the 1800's. In General William Booth's war cry, known as the "New National Scheme for Deliverance of Unprotected Girls and the Rescue of the Fallen", he established general principles that guided the restoration work for individuals trapped in sexual exploitation.
We believe that there is much to be learned from those that have gone before us. When the dust settles and excitement about this cause dissipates, when our arms grow weary and hearts overwhelmed, the dream will carry on because this is not just Bridget's dream or Leah's dream...it is God's Dream!!!
As a partner of City of Refuge Sacramento, Bridget's Dream is committed to the ongoing development of collaborative partnerships with other organizations. We believe that a spirit of unity will enable our community to meet the multi-faceted needs of those we serve. There is greater strength in numbers and as we are witnessing a move of God that is revealing His passionate devotion to the destitute, we are seeing Him join together the hearts of those who are like-minded.
Keywords: religious, trafficking, faith
4. Cal Aggie Christian Association (CA House)
Publications: http://cahouse.org/
Address: 433 Russell Boulevard
City: Davis State: CA Zip: 95616
Contact Person: Anna Kerr-Carpenter
Contact's Position: Community Coordinator
Phone: 5304006737
Email: anna@cahouse.org
Hours: Mon-Thurs 9am-2pm
Descriptions: Cal Aggie Christian Association is an inclusive, progressive student campus ministry organization. As the oldest campus ministry at UC Davis (we were founded in 1916), Cal Aggie Christian Association has a very long and proud heritage of supporting spirituality and promoting social justice. Some of our activities in the areas of service and justice include having been: a base for Caesar Chavez's farm union work in the Central Valley, a center of Vietnam War protest, the home of the first sexual health clinic in Davis, and the home of the UC Davis LGBT Resource Center before it was recognized by the University. To us, leading a life of service and justice is at least as important as what people believe, and we seek to follow the ways of Jesus in our radical inclusivity and justice-making. We offer opportunities for spirituality, service and justice work, personal growth, fellowship, and intentional living. All students are welcome! Visit us on the web at www.cahouse.org.
Keywords: Student organizations, religious
5. Camp Fire Golden Empire Council
Publications: https://goldenempirecouncil.org/
Address: 401 Amador Street
City: Vallejo State: CA Zip: 94590
Phone: 7076434573
Email: info@goldenempirecouncil.org
Descriptions: Camp Fire is a national organization serving youth since 1910. The focus is on learning by doing, developing a positive self-image, assuming responsibility, gaining decision-making skills, and learning to care for and work with others. The overall goal of all Camp Fire Programs is to teach children the skills they need to become happy, self-directed, caring individuals. The programs are designed for boys and girls, kindergarten through high school, of all religious and ethnic affiliations. The highest standards of safety and program quality are maintained through program guidelines. leadership training, field support services, and cooperation from our communities.
Camp Fire is a volunteer organization. Club leadership is provided by trained adult volunteers who offer guidance to youth. Clubs are required to have two adults leading the club. Camp Fire provides these adults an opportunity for self-development, self-fulfillment, and the stimulation of involvement with young people. Training is provided.
Keywords: Youth, environment
6. Catholic Faith Formation - Catholic Diocese of Sacramento
Address: 2110 Broadway
City: Sacramento State: CA Zip: 95818
Contact Person: John Reisch
Contact's Position: Director
Phone: 9167330123
Hours: M-F 8:30-4:30pm
Descriptions: For Catholic parishes in 20 counties in Northern California. Trains teachers and cathedral workers for preschool through adult. Programs in:
Youth Ministry: leadership formation of youth and adults retreats, special events, resources and consultation services for junior high and high school students. Cheryl Tholcke, Coordinator.
Hispanic Youth and Young Adult Ministry: leadership development, retreats and activities for Hispanic youth and young adults. Milagros Calvetti, Coordinator.
Pendola Center: summer camp program for boys and girls ages 6-17 and a backpacking program for high school students. Family Camp on Labor Day Weekend. Outdoor School in the fall, grades 5, 6 and 7. Stephen Tholcke, Director.
Camp Recreation: summer camp for adults and children with disabilities. John Donohoe, contact person.
Ministry to Persons with Special Needs: responsible for accessibility, religious education and outreach to people with disabilities. Michelle Hendricks, Coordinator.
Ministry to the Deaf: coordinates religious education, liturgy, accessibility and interpreters for deaf children and adults. Stanley Simonet and Debbie Vanderfold, contact persons.
Keywords: religious, youth, disabled persons, counseling, mentor/tutor
7. Congress of California Seniors
Publications: https://seniors.org/
Address: 1230 N Street, Suite 201
City: Sacramento State: CA Zip: 95814
Phone: 9164424474
Email: info@seniors.org
Hours: M-F 8-4pm
Descriptions: The Congress of California Seniors focuses its primary attention on legislative and consumer issues that impact older adults. The CCS education and advocacy program has proved to be an effective tool in influencing public policy decisions made by the state legislature and other state officials. CCS analyzes and rates all state legislators on their voting record related to key senior issues and publishes the "Seniors Legislative Report Card."
In addition, the CCS Education and Research Fund, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, provides educational programs and consumer information for seniors to constituent groups and to the greater senior community throughout the state. Through the efforts of both organizations, the Congress of California Seniors has become a major progressive voice for seniors, their families and their communities.
For more information, www.seniors.org
Keywords: elderly, housing, religious
8. Episcopal Service Corps
Publications: https://episcopalservicecorps.org/
Address: Residential locations throughout the country
Contact Person: Wendy Johnson
Contact's Position: ESC Coordinator
Phone: 3478806512
Email: wjohnson@episcopalchurch.org
Descriptions: Episcopal Service Corps is a network of locally organized and incorporated intentional communities dedicated to offering opportunities for young adults ages 21-32 to:
- Serve others in solidarity and promote justice in community
- Deepen their spiritual awareness and vocational discernment
- Live simply in intentional community
Keywords: corps, organizations, religious, volunteer groups
9. Grace in Action
Publications: https://grace-in-action.org/
Address: POBox 4393
City: Davis State: CA Zip: 95617
Phone: 5307921053
Email: graceinactiondavis@gmail.com
Descriptions: Grace in Action is a Christ-centered ministry that serves homeless and low-income individuals in Davis. Our purpose is to restore hope and dignity through compassionate care, spiritual companionship, and referrals to local agencies.
Grace in Action is uniquely positioned to serve the most vulnerable individuals in Yolo County by bridging the gap between our community of giving and local agency programs. More than sixteen local churches partner with us along with many volunteers and supporters as together we reach out to those in need.
Keywords: Religious, Homeless, Davis, Volunteer groups
10. Holy Rosary Catholic Church
Publications: http://www.holyrosary.com/
Address: 301 Walnut St.
City: Woodland State: CA Zip: 95695
Phone: 5306622805
Email: ccastaneda@holyrosary.com
Hours: M-F 9-4
Descriptions: The mission of the Holy Rosary parish is to continue the ministry of Jesus Christ in the world. To make evident the divine love of God for all, to be a reconciling influence,to call forth the gifts of each personfor the common good, and to serve as a leader among God's people in our community.
Keywords: youth, religious, recreation
11. Interfaith Council of Greater Sacramento
Publications: https://sacramentointerfaith.org/
Address: PO Box 15246
City: Sacramento State: CA Zip: 95851
Hours: M-F 9-5pm
Descriptions: The Interfaith Council of Greater Sacramento, incorporated in 1911 as the Federation of Churches, serves greater Sacramento by recognizing that the entire faith community can work together to foster greater understanding and respect among people of different faiths, and to discover that together we can make a difference in the areas where we share common ground and purpose.
Keywords: religious, health
12. Lutheran Social Services
Publications: http://lssnorcal.org/
Address: 4390 47th Ave
City: Sacramento State: CA Zip: 95824
Phone: 9164532900
Email: development@lssnorcal.org
Hours: M-F 8:30-4:30pm
Descriptions: LSS of Northern California's mission is to promote stability and honor the dignity of those we serve by providing supportive housing services that lead to self-sufficiency. LSS envisions that our communities have hope, stability, and a path to self-sufficiency.
LSS helps individuals rebuild their lives after experiencing homelessness. Our supportive services offer individuals and families the opportunity to stabilize their lives and become self-sufficient. Our vision is that we will end homelessness and help create communities that have hope, stability, and a path to self-sufficiency. LSS serves nearly 3,600 adults, former foster youth and families in our supportive housing programs located in Contra Costa, San Francisco, Sacramento and San Joaquin counties.
Keywords: housing, mental health, disabled persons, youth, religious
13. Lutheran Volunteer Corps
Publications: https://lutheranvolunteercorps.org/volunteer/
Address: 1226 Vermont Ave NW
City: Washington State: DC Zip: 20005
Contact Person: Elizabeth Flomo
Contact's Position: Program Operations Manager
Phone: 2023873222x221
Descriptions: Lutheran Volunteer Corps (LVC) unites full-time stipended Volunteers with financial supporters, non-profit organizations and ministries to work for peace with justice across the nation. In addition to working for justice, LVC Volunteers live together in intentional household communities of 4-7 people to encourage simple, sustainable living.
Keywords: religious, international, housing
14. Newman Catholic Student Community
Publications: http://www.davisnewman.org/
Address: 514 C Street
City: Davis / UC Davis State: CA Zip: 95616
Contact's Position: Administration
Phone: 5307537393
Email: rseibert@scd.org
Hours: M-F 11AM-10AM
Descriptions: The Newman Catholic Center in Davis was established in 1965 and is sponsored by the Catholic Diocese of Sacramento. The Newman Center is housed on the original site of St. James Catholic Church. St. James Parish is now located at 14th and B streets. John Henry Cardinal Newman was a proponent of liberal education, the role of the laity, and the place of conscience in one's life. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has established chaplainries called Newman Centers, named in his honor, to care for the spiritual needs of those engaged in university life and to serve as a Catholic presence in the university environment.
The Newman Catholic Centers empower college students to form authentic Christian community, celebrate the diverse expressions of their Catholic faith, and discern their vocation as disciples of Jesus for the Church and for the world.
Keywords: Religious Education, Student organizations
15. Salvation Army
Publications: http://sacramentoarc.salvationarmy.org/
Address: 1200 North B Street
City: Sacramento State: CA Zip: 95814
Contact Person: Cruz Gusman
Contact's Position: Shelter Services Director
Phone: 9164529388
Phone 2: 9164461476
Email: mediarelations@usn.salvationarmy.org
Hours: M-F 8-4:30pm
Descriptions: Shelter Services: Lodging and meals provided to homeless single men and women for 30 to 120 days, including a support system of multiple resources and specialize programs. Job development, computer training, employment counseling, mental health services, recreational activities and substance abuse counseling. Alcoholics Anonymous, alternative housing, spiritual counseling, chapel services, and bible studies also offered. Casework, counseling, and referral services provided to address other areas of need.
Other programs under the Salvation Army that use volunteers,
Adult Rehabilitation Center (916) 441-5267
Six-month residential social model treatment program for men with treatable handicap (I.e., alcoholism, drug abuse, anger of other abuse issues).
Sacramento Citadel Corps Center (916) 452-9388
Religious programs, fellowship, and recreation for all ages.
Child Development Center (916) 451-4230
Strives to meet the needs of individual children and encourage emotional, social, intellectual, and physical growth.
Ray Robinson Oak Park Community Center (916) 452-9388
Educational, recreational, social and spiritual programs for all persons in a safe and secure environment regardless of age, race, religion, creed, color or gender.
Keywords: housing, recreaton, youth, substance abuse, hunger
16. YWCA
Publications: http://ywcaccc.org/
Address: 1122 - 17th Street
City: Sacramento State: CA Zip: 95814
Contact Person: Sarbjit Kaur
Contact's Position: Program Director
Phone: 9162648066
Email: info@ywcaccc.org
Hours: M - F, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Descriptions: The Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA) of Sacramento provides a wide range of recreational and athletic activities/facilities for women and men, with an emphasis on the personal, professional, and physical development of women. They offer support groups, education, information, dance and fitness classes, clubs, etc.
Other programs include:
1. YWCA Women's Residence for low-income women and senior citizens.
2. Women, Infant, Children's Nutrition Education and Supplemental feeding program (WIC) for low-income women and their families.
3. Teenage Pregnancy prevention, information, parenting, and referral program (TAPP).
4. Single parent displaced homemakers program (SOLO) for people trying to reenter the job market.
5. ENCORE, an exercise and support group for women recovering from breast cancer surgery.
6. Teen Father Program (TFP), with information, referrals, job searches, parenting and counseling for young fathers.
Keywords: women, religious, education, mentor/tutor, counseling, elderly, youth